First time poster here...

Updating from 7.4.827 to 7.4.843 gives me a new compiler warning:
misc1.c(3988) : warning C4267: '-=' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', 
possible loss of data

I'm using MSVC 2012, targeting 64-bit.  My compile commands are:
nmake -f Make_mvc.mak CPU=AMD64 FEATURES=HUGE GUI=no  OLE=no  MBYTE=yes IME=no  
POSTSCRIPT=yes CPUNR=pentium4 WINVER=0x0500
nmake -f Make_mvc.mak CPU=AMD64 FEATURES=HUGE GUI=yes OLE=yes MBYTE=yes IME=yes 
POSTSCRIPT=yes CPUNR=pentium4 WINVER=0x0500

Because the maximum value of len is limited to the value of dstlen on lines 
3984 and 3985, we can safely cast to an int on line 3988 to silence the warning:

diff --git a/src/misc1.c b/src/misc1.c
index ee2da08..8b5ea64 100644
--- a/src/misc1.c
+++ b/src/misc1.c
@@ -3985,7 +3985,7 @@ expand_env_esc(srcp, dst, dstlen, esc, one, startstr)
                len = dstlen;
            vim_strncpy(dst, var, len);
            dst += len;
-           dstlen -= len;
+           dstlen -= (int)len;

(Actually if dstlen were negative there would be a problem, but that would be a 
logic error for the caller since dstlen is supposed to represent a length.)


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