Re: Re: split(",,,x,,,", ",") returns ["x", "", ""].

2015-08-31 Fir de Conversatie Mikołaj Machowski
Dnia Niedziela, 30 Sierpnia 2015 18:35 Bram Moolenaar napisał(a) > So far the keepempty argument was zero or non-zero. If we make it a > string then we can pass different flags: > 0 default - drop empty items at start and end > 1 keep all empty items >

Re: Patch to try out: floating point

2008-04-09 Fir de Conversatie Mikołaj Machowski
How many people actually do that? Should they be doing that? IMHO I'd force people to use whitespace for concatenation in this case (i.e. 123 . 456) and have 123.456 be a floating point number. That's how Perl works, for example. --Antony That would break compatibility on much, much, much

Re: regexp: does anyone really need ordered alternation?

2008-03-28 Fir de Conversatie Mikołaj Machowski
lurker mode off From user point of view: does this new way of treating \| bring speed gains? \| is one of the most time expensive operators in Vim. If we could have improvement here I would say - go for it. lurker mode on Piotr Żaczek na