I found that the script in my plugins take up a fairly small space compared to 
the .git folder during a disk cleanup. Though it is still small enough for it 
to be ignored during the process, I wonder what can be done to trim it. 

For example, syntastic. The .git folder is 3.2 MB, while the plugin itself is 
only 0.8 MB altogether, only 1/4 of the .git folder. An extreme example would 
be unite.vim, whose .git folder is 8.8 MB but its latest content is only 0.9 MB.

I use Windows 8 and it boots on a 60 GB SSD, so although this is not 
troublesome at the time, it still bothers me a bit. How fast does this ratio 
grow? Can I configure git or Neobundle or Vundle to trim it down instead of 
manually (or with script) deleting all the .git folder myself? What's the risk 
of deleting them besides loss of commit history?

Thank you,
Lou Yufan

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