
According to coveralls, the ":history" Ex command
is not covered by tests. See:


Attached patch adds tests for it.

While adding tests, I found out that commands...

  :history -2
  :history -2,

... have different meanings. It was not clear to me
when reading ":help cmdline".  So patch also clarifies
this in runtime/doc/cmdline.txt.


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diff --git a/runtime/doc/cmdline.txt b/runtime/doc/cmdline.txt
index 8eb3a93..e05e6d3 100644
--- a/runtime/doc/cmdline.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/cmdline.txt
@@ -359,8 +359,11 @@ terminals)
 		List entries 6 to 12 from the search history: >
 			:history / 6,12
-		List the recent five entries from all histories: >
-			:history all -5,
+		List the penultimate entry from all histories: >
+			:history all -2
+		List the most recent two entries from all histories: >
+			:history all -2,
 :keepp[atterns] {command}			*:keepp* *:keeppatterns*
 		Execute {command}, without adding anything to the search
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_history.vim b/src/testdir/test_history.vim
index ee6acff..243ede7 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_history.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_history.vim
@@ -31,6 +31,30 @@ function History_Tests(hist)
   call assert_equal('ls', histget(a:hist, -1))
   call assert_equal(4, histnr(a:hist))
+  let a=execute('history ' . a:hist)
+  call assert_match("^\n      #  \\S* history\n      3  buffers\n>     4  ls$", a)
+  let a=execute('history all')
+  call assert_match("^\n      #  .* history\n      3  buffers\n>     4  ls", a)
+  if len(a:hist) > 0
+    let a=execute('history ' . a:hist . ' 2')
+    call assert_match("^\n      #  \\S* history$", a)
+    let a=execute('history ' . a:hist . ' 3')
+    call assert_match("^\n      #  \\S* history\n      3  buffers$", a)
+    let a=execute('history ' . a:hist . ' 4')
+    call assert_match("^\n      #  \\S* history\n>     4  ls$", a)
+    let a=execute('history ' . a:hist . ' 3,4')
+    call assert_match("^\n      #  \\S* history\n      3  buffers\n>     4  ls$", a)
+    let a=execute('history ' . a:hist . ' -1')
+    call assert_match("^\n      #  \\S* history\n>     4  ls$", a)
+    let a=execute('history ' . a:hist . ' -2')
+    call assert_match("^\n      #  \\S* history\n      3  buffers$", a)
+    let a=execute('history ' . a:hist . ' -2,')
+    call assert_match("^\n      #  \\S* history\n      3  buffers\n>     4  ls$", a)
+    let a=execute('history ' . a:hist . ' -3')
+    call assert_match("^\n      #  \\S* history$", a)
+  endif
   " Test for removing entries matching a pattern
   for i in range(1, 3)
       call histadd(a:hist, 'text_' . i)

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