DiegoRenner (Vim Github Repository) wrote:

*Describe the bug*
In the output of :help netrw-browse-maps the keybinding to change the diretory to the current one is declared to be c. In the output of :help netrw-c however it is said that the keybinding for this is now cd which seems to be correct.

*To Reproduce*

 1. Run vim
 2. Enter command :help netrw-browse-maps
 3. Check keybinding for netrw-c
 4. Enter command :help netrw-c
 5. Check keybinding for netrw-c

*Expected behavior*
:help netrw-browse-maps should show cd as the keybinding for
changing directory

From :help netrw-browse-maps
c Make browsing directory the current directory netrw-c
From :help netrw-c
netrw-c : This map's name has been changed from "c" to cd (see netrw-cd).
This change was done to allow for netrw-cb and netrw-cB maps.

*Environment (please complete the following information):*

  * Vim version 8.2.814
  * OS: 5.7.2-arch1-1
  * Terminal: st

Your environment should include information about which netrw you're using.  The latest one is netrw v170g, which you may get from my website: http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#NETRW ; you'll find that address in :help netrw-debug .

Chip Campbell

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