Jelly wrote:
> I discovered this whilst trying to use Vim's Netrw as my file manager
> (for more generic use).
> Me, including two other experienced users have successfully reproduced
> what seems to be a bug.
> *Reproducing the bug:*
> |$ mkdir "Foo [Bar]" && cd $_ $ touch a b c $ vim . |
> Result: Vim opens up with Netrw and displays an empty directory that
> contains only one item represented as a single dot (“.”).
> *The expected result:*
> Netrw should display the contents of the directory in this case the
> files [a, b, c].
I see the problem; I've fixed this one, but I still have a related
issue.  I will release a fix when I have one.

Thank you,
Chip Campbell

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