
  Invoking he following command -- when <N> is 0 or 1:

    :echo synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), <N>), "name")

  when the cursor is on the badly spelled word "ontiger"

        int foo;  /* this is an ontiger */

  results in the same answer cComment.  Should it not 
  respond as BadSpell?  

  I contacted the author of SyntaxAttr.vim Gary Holloway. 


  (His plugin reports cComment->Comment.) He speculated that the
  BadSpell group needs to be contained in the cComment group;
  something like:

           syn match BadSpell ... contained containedin=cComment

  For the example given above, what needs to be done (or which
  command needs to be invoked) to get the response BadSpell?



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