I read the documentation. CTRL-O behavior seemed to be pretty clear.
But, I am unable to understand the CTRL-O behavior. Here is what I did
after launching vim.

/Vim (takes the cursor to VimEnter)

Now I start going back but notice I mix CTRL-O and CTRL-T to do so.

CTRL-O (takes me back to v:dying link
CTRL-O (takes me back to VimEnter)
CTRL-O (takes me back to Vim link)
CTRL-T (takes me forward to v:dying link again)
CTRL-T (takes me back to Vim link again)
CTRL-T (takes me back to pi_zip.txt)
CTRL-O (takes me forward to Vim link again)
CTRL-O (takes me forward to v:dying link again)
CTRL-O (takes me forward to v:dying section)
CTRL-O (takes me back to VimEnter)
CTRL-O (takes me back to bars)

As you can see if I mix CTRL-O and CTRL-T, it becomes difficult for me
to predict the behavior. It is easy to understand where I am going to
move next if I press CTRL-T by using the :jumps command. But I don't
seem to understand why when I press CTRL-T suddenly it moves forward
to some unpredictable place.

Can someone please help me understand what is going on? Also, is there
a list of jumps that CTRL-T would take me through that I can see by
using a command similar to :jumps?

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