I would like to know the start/end positions of matches on a few lines.
These linenumbers are in a list "list".
I want to add the startpositions of all matches in the list "idx"
and the endpositions of matches in the list "edx"

idx = []
edx = []
for n in range(0,len(list)-1)
  "idx positions
  call cursor(list[n],1)
  while line(".") == list[n]
    let S= searchpos(@/, '')
    if S[0] == list[n]
      call add(idx, S[1]-1)
  "edx positions
  call cursor(list[n],1)
  while line(".") == list[n]
    let E= searchpos(@/, 'e')
    if E[0] == list[n]
      call add(edx, E[1])

  "do things with these lists before to go to next for loop (...add linenumber)

However this does not give an (idx) matchposition when the match is at the 
start of line.
Does anyone know how to catch all start/end positions of all matches of only 1 
single line?

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