Re: cmdline regex ques

2019-10-05 Thread M Kelly
Hi, I was able to use the 'Konfekt/vim-alias' plugin for this - :Alias q call\ Quit() :Alias q! call\ QuitBang() thx again everyone, -m -- -- You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying to. For more information,

Re: cmdline regex ques

2019-10-04 Thread M Kelly
Hi, I guess it evaluates as I type ? So no real way around this. Perhaps a cmap could trigger a cmdline substitution ? Maybe there is such a plugin already. thx, -m -- -- You received this message from the "vim_use" maillist. Do not top-post! Type your reply below the text you are replying

cmdline regex ques

2019-10-04 Thread M Kelly
Hi, Does anyone know what would be the vim regex for getcmdline() =~ for both 'q' and 'q!' ? ie, something like: cnoreabbrev q (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdline() =~ '\s*q\s*$') ? 'call Quit()' : 'q' cnoreabbrev q! (getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdline() =~ '\s*q!\s*$') ? 'call QuitBang()' :