I am like a kid in a candy store playing with Apple Music. All I can say is
holy crap! I am impressed. Updating my software was extremely painless,
and it was so easy to start up my free trial of Apple Music. If what I have
found so far on Apple Music is any indication I will happily pay for th
Just to clarify! If I subscribe to Apple Music, will all of my CDs that I
have imported to ITunes on my PC leave my PC? Will they be off my phone as
well? Having asked this, I think Apple Music is going to be a good thing,
and I am looking forward to seeing what it is all about.
Liz Ulrich
The best tip I can give you is patience. I used the App the other day, and
when I tried the first time, no one connected. I tried again a few minutes
later and someone connected and assisted me. I have had success with this
app, but remember, the sighted people who are helping are volunteers, an
On the bottom of your screen you will have choices such as requests, news
feed, messenger, notifications, and more. Tap on notifications. You will
get this list that has upcoming birthdays, upcoming events, etc. Flick
through until you hear notifications and 2-finger tap on notifications.
Hi Anna! Thank you very much for your help. Now once I turned off the
automatic renew for iTunes match it said that after my expiration date my
music will no longer be in the cloud. Do I need to download everything on
to my phone now before match expires?
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
I have a yearly subscription to iTunes match that is up for renewal next
month. I want to cancel it before it renews. How do I go about canceling
my subscription?
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
Well, lucky for me I am in my week of free trial, and I am not going to pay
a monthly subscription for an App that constantly crashes. I am glad that I
am not the only one experiencing problems.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
Good morning. I decided to get HuLu plus on my phone. I find the app to be
pretty VO friendly, but I have one question. What does the up and down
buttons mean when you are in the Q window or in a video window? I hope I am
making sense as I am figuring out this app by the seat of my pants, and I
I believe that Apple Pay will only work on the iPhone 6.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
The following information is important for all members of the viphone list. All
new members to th
No, voiceover does not read the cash that you pay. The cashier will tell
you how much you owe. You will point the phone at the reader with your
finger on the home button to present your touch ID. When the transaction is
complete, your phone will beep and vibrate and voiceover will say done.
Since the pass code feature was instituted, I did not do this step because
if the phone talks people can hear me punch in my pass code if I am in a
public setting. Now, with touch ID, I have a pass code. I was dubious
about setting up touch ID because it would be just my luck with one wrong
I just updated my iPhone 6+ to 8.3, and my CDs that I have imported to
itunes are no longer on my phone. How do I put my CDs that are on itunes
back on to my phone?
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
I can confirm this strange behavior. When I open the FB App it will stay
open for just a few seconds and then I will be thrown out of the App. I
hope they fix this quickly.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
In the trivia crack settings you have a facebook option to invite facebook
friends to play trivia crack. In fact, when I originally logged into Trivia
Crack I logged in using my facebook account.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
I love Trivia Crack. I want to find more people to play. I ended up buying
the advertisement free version as well because the advertisements drive me
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
The fol
I started playing Trivia Crack a couple of days ago, and I am addicted to
it. If anyone has any tips that will help in playing this game with VO that
will be great.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
I just upgraded my Iphone from the 4S to the 6+. I opened up the Radium
App, and I notice that not all of my favorite radio stations are displaying.
I tried swiping up hoping that more of my favorites would be shown. I am
not even finding the tabs in Radium. Has anyone had this problem with the
Well, I don't know if this makes a difference, but the Be my Eyes App is
optimized for the iPhone 5 on up. I hope this helps.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
The following information is
Well, yesterday I upgraded from an iPhone 4S to the 6+, and the process was
relatively painless, except I lost all of my purchased ring tones when I
synced the phone to iTunes on my computer. I called Apple Accessibility,
and I talked with a very nice man who helped me retrieve all of my ring
Thank you Robert for posting the link. I did not uninstall anything either.
It is so nice to be able to read my album list and radio stations again.
Note to self, do not be so quick to update iTunes when a new update comes
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain
In a few days, I will be getting an iPhone-6+. When in the process of
upgrading from my 4S to the 6+, do I put my backup on the phone first before
AT&T activates, or does the phone need to be activated first before I put my
backup from iTunes on the new phone?
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
When rolling back to a previous version of ITunes, how do I find the
installer to repair ITunes?
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
The following information is important for all members of th
Did you update your IOS software to 8.13? I had the same issue with FB
messenger until I updated the software on my phone.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
The following information is important for
Hi. When you are in your list of messages, swipe down once, and you will
hear the options of mute and delete. Double tap on delete, a box will come
up asking you if you want to delete the conversation. Hit the delete button
and there you go. I hope this helps.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammi
I just updated to ITunes-12.1, and I honestly wish I had not done it. I use
JAWS-16, and I can't figure out how to access my list of albums. I figured
out how to find an album one song at a time, but that is such a tedious
process. It seems to me that ITunes is becoming less accessible with ever
I downloaded it on Friday, and it works fine for me. I had to do some
exploring, but that is no big deal.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
The following information is important for all m
I have noticed that I can read a few status updates at a time, but there is
a work around. I swipe up once to show more status updates. It's no big
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
That is definitely a fishing type of e-mail. Just delete it.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
The following information is important for all members of the viphone list. All
new members
Hello, I updated my iPhone-4S software yesterday, and in the process of
doing so, the CDs that I had imported to itunes were deleted from my phone
to make room for the update. I don't want to add all of the albums that
were deleted back to my phone. How do I add one album to my iPhone?
Liz Ulr
I tried double tapping and holding it for a few seconds, and there is no
tone and no voiceover indicating that the App has moved.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
The following information is importa
I just updated my iPhone 4S to 8.12, and so far so good. I found a few apps
that I am no longer using. How do I delete an App with IOS8.12?
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
The following information
Well, it pays to be on this list because I did not know that it took less
space to update to 8.12 using ITunes. I just updated my phone, and it was
painless. Now it is time to explore.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
Well, I think the thing that will solve my problem is when I upgrade my
phone. I do not have enough space to update to IOS-8, but that will change
once I have my new iPhone-6+. Until then, I went to the facebook web site
and deleted what I wanted to delete. Thank you for the help.
Liz Ulri
When I use the rotor, I get typing mode, characters, words, containers,
headings, and edit if that is possible. Actions does not show up in the
rotor for me. Are there some rotor settings that I need to change in order
for this to show up?
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church
I have Ear Monsters. I have fun with it. You have to be quick in killing
the monsters. It is very accessible. It is also very addictive.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Grace Harbor Church Prayer chain coordinator
The following informatio
I have an interesting situation with my e-mail on my iPhone with this list.
I am not receiving any of my GoogleGroups mail from this list on my iphone,
but I can access it just fine on my PC. A couple weeks ago, I switched from
Windows-XP to a Windows-7 PC, but I don't think that would make a
Hello, I have been having issues with Itunes lately that are close to being
resolved. The short of it is I had to reinstall Itunes as well as my Iphone
drivers today. When I attempt to back up the phone I get an error message
saying that the backup cannot happen because the previous backup is
I have Pandora running right now. I can find my stations easily. It says
station name, and then you have to wait a second and VO will say tapping
will play the particular artist station. I hope this helps.
Liz Ulrich and Leader dog sammie
Westwood Church of God Prayer chain coordinator
I just upgraded to a PC with Windows-7, and I have ITunes on the computer,
and the computer is authorized. Every time I attempt to back up my phone, I
get an error message saying that the device is not connected when in fact my
phone is connected to the PC. Has anyone had this issue and if so wha
39 matches
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