Apple Is Blocking an App That Detects Net Neutrality Violations From the App
Apple told a university professor his app "has no direct benefits to the
The most pervasive feeling about the Federal Communication Commission's net
neutrality repeal is one of hopelessness. If we all need to use the
internet, big telecom companies control our access to the internet, and
there's no choice about what company to use, how are we supposed to stop
these companies from messing with our connections?

The FCC has suggested that consumer outrage will prevent companies from
violating net neutrality, but it if you're not a network engineer, it can be
hard to know if net neutrality is being violated at all. David Coffnes, a
researcher at Northeastern University, set out to change that. He created an
app to detect net neutrality violations, but Apple has banned it from the
App Store, preventing consumers from accessing the information they need to
at least know when they're getting screwed over.

Using Apple's beta testing platform called TestFlight, I tested the app,
called Wehe. It's straightforward. You open the app, agree to a consent form
(he is using the data in his research), and click "run test." 

The app is designed to test download speeds from seven apps: YouTube,
Amazon, NBCSports, Netflix, Skype, Spotify, and Vimeo. According to the app,
my Verizon LTE service streamed YouTube to my iPhone at 6 Mbps, Amazon Prime
video at 8 Mbps, and Netflix at 4 Mbps. It downloaded other data at speeds
of up to 25 Mbps. 
 "Differentiation means in this case throttling by Verizon," Choffnes told
me. This would, in theory, be the sort of thing people would want to
know-with this knowledge, they could choose to switch to another carrier, or
could lodge a complaint against with the Federal Trade Commission. 

Ajit Pai's FCC has made the argument that "most attempts by ISPs to block or
throttle content will likely be met with a fierce consumer backlash . in the
event that any stakeholder [ISP] were inclined to deviate from this
consensus against blocking and throttling, we fully expect that consumer
expectations, market incentives, and the deterrent threat of enforcement
actions will constrain such practices."

But the fact is that every major wireless telecom provider is already
throttling data, and we are more-or-less powerless to stop it. And the
opaque nature of both the telecom industry and Apple's App Store vetting
process is preventing consumers-and researchers like Choffnes-from getting a
full picture of how net neutrality is being violated.

An Apple App Store reviewer told Choffnes that "your app has no direct
benefits to the user," according to screenshots reviewed by Motherboard.
According to Apple's reviewer, the app contained "Objectionable Content," a
catch-all for apps that Apple doesn't want to let into its App Store. Apple
is blocking the app and no one is quite sure why, including Choffnes;
neither Apple nor Verizon responded to requests for comment for this
Wehe is is designed to be part of Choffnes's research work to determine
geographic and carrier-related differences in video throttling. When you
open the app, you are presented with a consent form that "invites you to
take part in a research project."

"The purpose of this research study is to understand how cellular internet
providers give different performance to different network traffic from your
smartphone," it says, adding that data is anonymized. 

"For example, we would like to know if a provider is speeding up YouTube
traffic and/or slowing down Netflix."
Wehe, according to the App Store reviewer, "may mislead users by providing
inaccurate determinations . specifically, your app is marketed to users as a
way to check if their carrier is violating net neutrality. However, your app
has no direct benefits to the user from participating in the study."
Packet inspection and video throttling

When I heard about Wehe, I thought that it must be impossible for an app to
detect net neutrality violations. Or at least, I couldn't think of a
mechanism in which it might work. But once I spoke to Choffnes, who has
spent much of the past few years reverse-engineering the ways in which
telecom companies throttle data, it made sense.
Choffnes is an expert in data "differentiation," which means he studies how
telecom companies alter the download speeds of text, photos, or emails may
be prioritized over the download speeds of video content. Such
"prioritization" or data discrimination violates one of the core tenets of
net neutrality, but data differentiation is commonly used by cell phone
providers nonetheless. 

"We didn't have net neutrality even before the rules changed," Choffnes
said. "All the carriers are doing content-based throttling, specifically
with video. And some video providers are getting better performance than
A diagram of how packets are inspected and analyzed, and how Choffnes's
system works. Image: David Chofnes

That video is being throttled is not a secret. Many telecom providers "zero
rate" certain video services and then advertise those services as
"unlimited" to customers, meaning it doesn't count against a customer's data
cap. The most famous instance of this is T-Mobile's "BingeOn" service, which
allows unlimited access to Netflix, YouTube, and a few other major video

But that "unlimited" video means that video is throttled-in BingeOn's case,
T-Mobile video maxes out around 1.5 mb/s, whereas its standard LTE service
gets speeds of up to 10 times that for non-video content. Other telecom
providers have similar programs; Verizon has plans with "unlimited 4G LTE
data" and "premium unlimited 4G LTE data," the plan you have determines the
resolution and amount of data you can stream before it's throttled (and
putting a cap on resolution is also a form of throttling; delivering
lower-resolution video means delivering less data). 

Customers may not generally think of this practice as a net neutrality
violation, but former FCC chief Tom Wheeler wrote in a letter to Congress in
2016 that such programs are likely violations of the net neutrality rules he
put into place in 2015 (that have since been repealed by Ajit Pai's FCC.)
Zero rating programs "may harm consumers and competition in downstream
industry sectors by unreasonably discriminating in favor of select
downstream providers, especially their own affiliates," Wheeler wrote.
We know that telecom companies throttle video, but Choffnes's research
focuses on how and when they throttle. His research finds methods of
actually detecting the mechanics of data differentiation from carrier to
carrier. What he's found is that, for the most part, telecom providers
aren't throttling video; they are using a network management tactic known as
deep packet inspection that throttles based on metadata associated with
network traffic. What this means is that T-Mobile, for instance, might not
try to detect whether something is a video or not, but it can detect whether
a service calls its data a video or has the metadata hallmarks of a video.
If so, it will set a download speed cap for that specific data. 
"We realized that they're looking for certain text in the network traffic,
and if we changed that text, when we send that traffic over the network, it
doesn't get throttled"
For example, when an encrypted connection is established between Netflix's
servers and T-Mobile's servers (known as a TLS handshake), certain plaintext
information is exchanged (host names and server names). In Netflix's case,
one of these servers is called "" If T-Mobile detects this
server name in the metadata, it will throttle download data for those
Choffnes learned about this system by reverse engineering it; his team
downloaded videos from various video services (including the TLS data and
all metadata) and then recreated it on their own servers (called "replays").
What he found is that by changing the metadata of the video's header-but not
the video itself-it could be downloaded at much higher speeds. If he changed
the metadata of other types of data (photos, for instance) to have the
Netflix metadata, that data would be throttled by the telecom company when
it was downloaded.
"We realized that they're looking for certain text in the network traffic,
and if we changed that text-replaced with we send that traffic over the network, it doesn't
get throttled," Choffnes said. "This means it's keyword related and not
server or even content related." 
Because throttling is often keyword and not content-related, that means some
video services are treated different from other video services; you may be
able to stream Vimeo or a video hosted on a less-popular website faster than
you can stream a video on Netflix, for example. And video is generally (not
always) throttled around the clock, regardless of the overall traffic being
put on a network, which peak during commutes and in the evenings. 

It's something we've been working on for years, something the academic
community thinks is accurate, and we're working with a regulator to
disseminate it so other people can use it
"When faced with a problem like network management, the question is 'Do you
want to use a sledgehammer or a scalpel?' You want to use the tool that will
have the least negative impact while providing benefit to everyone,"
Choffnes said. "What I think is in place today is a bit of a sledgehammer.
Video traffic is a cause for congestion, but the video is throttled to a low
rate, and it's done that way all the time."

An information page for Wehe explains its mission: "We need your help to
test more providers, in the US and worldwide, so we can understand how
[throttling] policies change over time, location, and network. We are
building a website that will publicize these practices, both to inform
regulators and to allow consumers to make informed choices about selecting
their mobile providers."
'Objectionable Content'

To be clear, much of our outrage should probably be directed at the telecom
industry, which has never shown much intention of following the principles
of net neutrality. But it's no surprise that telecom companies are going to
act in the interest of their bottom lines. What's less clear is why,
exactly, Apple has banned a pro-consumer app from its App Store.
Choffnes has presented this data at scientific and telecom conferences, and
his papers are peer reviewed. 

His system is not a perfect way of determining actual network speeds,
because he doesn't have access to telecom infrastructure or video provider
servers. But he says that the basic methods of data discrimination have not
been disputed by telecom companies and that his work has caught the eye of
ARCEP, France's version of the FCC, which has cited his work and wants to
use his methods to catch telecom companies violating net neutrality in the
In fact, Verizon is currently paying his team to "research the video
performance of Verizon's video streaming services," and Google has funded
some of his work under its Faculty Award Research program. Choffnes says
that the terms of these agreements do not allow Verizon or Google to
influence his work: "This contract has no restriction on our ability to
publish our findings that do not rely on confidential information, and by
definition the measurements we do on these operational networks are not
confidential (because we could do these measurement with or without
Verizon)," he said.

I mention these partnerships because the industry seems to believe in the
accuracy of his work, but Apple, it seems, does not. The company has
famously blocked many apps from entering the App Store or has prevented
third party apps from accessing data that Apple itself can. For instance,
Apple removed a feature that allowed third-party apps to access iPhone
battery cycle data, presumably because software readings of battery health
are less accurate than hardware ones (Apple never publicly addressed why it
made this data inaccessible.) But Apple allows many different apps that
allow users to do straight speed tests of their connections, which Choffnes
says uses essentially the same technology his app does.

"I probably could have gotten away with calling it a speed test," he said.
"But I wasn't going to lie to get it published."
Because Wehe is basically just making requests to Choffnes's server at
Northeastern (which he controls), there is no reason to think that the data
it returns is inaccurate, and Apple's suggestion that people receive no
benefit from knowing they're being throttled would seem to ignore the
widespread public outrage about the FCC's recent vote to repeal net

"I'm under contract with a French telecom regulator to provide this app as a
service. I'm not a random independent researcher who has decided to on a
whim to publish something that may or may not do what it says," he told me.
"It's something we've been working on for years, something the academic
community thinks is accurate, and we're working with a regulator to
disseminate it so other people can use it."

Original Article at:

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