Hello Regina,
I guess the question is, is your phone connected with your watch? When you open
the Watch app on your phone, can you make changes to settings, install or
uninstall apps, etc? Does your workout data end up in your phone's Health app?
Can you use the Ping YOur iPHOne option in Setti
Anna, I too just got a new phone. When I spoke to my carrier they also said I
would have to unpair from my old phone and then re-pair with the new one. My
transfer from iCloud went flawlessly, proud of myself, so I erased the old
phone after activating with my carrier with the new one. At that
Hello Jim,
If I understand you correctly, you did nothing special to your watch when you
got your new phone. If that's the case, you need to unpair it from your old
phone, if you still have it, and then re-pair with the new one. The reason for
unpairing if possible is that the old phone will ba
Good morning,
I took the plunge and upgraded from my iPhone 7 to an iPhone XR, and I already
see the difference. Also, the sound is much better than what I was getting the
past few months.
However, I have some questions that were unclear.
I noticed last night that my watch didn’t seem to pair wi