iPhone X: Five things that drive me absolutely nuts

There's a lot to like, but Apple needs to rethink some things for 2018's
January 28, 2018 4:00 AM PST
 By Sarah Tew, CNET 
For well over two months, my days have ended and begun with the iPhone X.
Compared to older iPhones, the X feels impressively fast, slim and, with 5.8
inches of screen space, satisfyingly spacious. But as I've grown to
appreciate some of its finer points, I've also discovered the traits that
make me roll my eyes, gnash my teeth and occasionally erupt with a
well-chosen expletive. 

The funny thing is that almost all of these ire-inducing "quirks" stem from
Apple's redesign of the iPhone X, which removed the home button and
installed a bunch of swipes and taps to cover all navigation bases. 
On one hand, Face ID and gestures prove that iPhone users can live without a
home button. On the other, learning the ropes takes time, and the swipey
stand-ins don't always make a lot of sense. Some iPhone X gestures feel

So here we go, my five personal worst iPhone X navigation offenders. Stay
tuned for a future piece on some of the things I truly do love about the
iPhone X. 

Face ID never works when I most need it 
Face ID, Apple's replacement for the secure fingerprint reader, uses the
iPhone X's front-facing camera to approve mobile purchases and unlock the
It works by making a 3D map of your eyes, nose and mouth -- except when it
doesn't. Face ID recognizes me often, but fails enough times to make me
notice. For example, I have about a 50-50 success rate while wearing my
polarized sunglasses. 
Face ID doesn't work when your face is stuffed in a pillow.
When it doesn't work is when I want it to most: as soon as I wake up in the
morning. Part of the problem is biological. I'm near-sighted, which means
that when I first reach for the phone while my glasses and contacts are
resting in their cases, I wind up holding the phone closer to my face than
the 25 to 50 centimeters that Apple recommends.  
And then there's the fact that in my groggy morning state, I'm lying on my
side with either one eye closed, or my face buried in my pillow. 
There's no way Face ID is boring its way through that, and it's not Apple's
What is Apple's fault is that the iPhone X doesn't have a satisfying backup
plan to my morning squinty-eye. With Face ID, you don't get an immediate
second chance to biometrically unlock the phone, not the way you do when the
fingerprint scanner on a home button fails; you just tap it again.  
No such luck here. You can wait some long seconds only to have to try again,
or lock and unlock the phone to kickstart a new Face ID scan. 
More often than not, I wind up typing in my 6-digit password, which is
faster than waiting for Face ID to maybe or maybe not unlock. This gets
annoying when you do it multiple times a day, every day. I'd love a
biometric backup, or a faster do-over time if Face ID misses the scan the
first time around. 

Bleh battery life 
If you're switching from an older iPhone with battery life that can barely
hobble through a single day (especially if Apple did this), the iPhone X is
a fantastic upgrade. At least at first. 
The iPhone X will last longer than your old iPhone, but not as long as a
$1,000 handset should.
After two months, I noticed a steep battery decline. Of course your charge
will take a hit every time you stream music or video, or use navigation.
That's life with a phone. But even on days when I didn't engage these
things, I found myself topping up the power reserves before going out for
the night, unconvinced my phone would make it through the evening
When you live on your phone -- texting, looking up stuff online, reading
e-books -- that uncertainty makes the difference between a device you can
trust and one you have to constantly manage.
This isn't just anecdotal, either. In CNET's looping-video tests, the iPhone
X lasted just shy of 11.5 hours average after 9 tests. That's two hours less
than the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus results with the same test, and six
hours less than the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (17.5 hours).

Anecdotally, it lasts longer than the iPhone 8 in real-life use, but peters
out before the 8 Plus loses steam.

These time windows don't seem so short in a vacuum, but when you compare the
results across the board, the iPhone X -- the most expensive mainstream
phone you can buy -- drains as quickly as some midrange phones that cost
less than half the price, if not faster.

To make matters more frustrating, Apple hides the iPhone X battery
percentage meter; it isn't visible at a glance. Instead, you have to swipe
down from the top of the phone on the right side of the notch to call up the
Control Center. Only then can you keep a detailed tab on how much juice you
have left.

Maps navigation shortcut only goes one way
Tap this to get back to your ongoing Google Maps navigation.
I use maps navigation quite a lot. When you pop out of either Google Maps or
Apple Maps to do something else, the iPhone X helpfully puts a tiny blue Tic
Tac around the clock, turning it into a nifty little button you can tap to
pop back into the map again. 
This is great, but Apple stops short. See, you can toggle from any app back
into the map, but you can't toggle from the map back to what you were doing
before. So if you're reading an article, you can pop into the map to check
on the directions (using the shortcut) but won't be able to return to the
story (no shortcut). 
When you get used to pressing that shortcut button a couple dozen times
during a long trip, you'll be cursing Apple that it only goes one way.
Hopefully a future version of the software will make toggling a two-way
By the way, the shortcut also works with the phone app (the button turns
green), voice memos (red) and some third-party apps. 

Is the alarm on or what? 
I'm an inveterate nervous-alarm-setter, even on weekends. I just can't relax
unless I know I won't oversleep (yes, I have problems). 
That doesn't stop me from waking up bleary-eyed in the middle of the night
second-guessing if I set the alarm for the right time, or even set it at
all. I would like to be able to glance at the iPhone X and immediately see
the alarm clock icon reassure me, before drifting back to sleep. 
This is how it was pre-iPhone X and still is on the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus. Yet
for some reason, Apple has decided to bury this information. You can still
see it -- and your remaining battery percentage -- but you have to pull down
the Control Center first. 
I don't want to mess with my phone at 4am. I don't want to swipe a screen or
use more brain cells than I have to. In short, I don't want to do anything
that could wake me up and make falling back asleep harder than it needs to
But the biggest problem is. 
iPhone X in photos
The first iPhone was so beloved because -- in a world of hard-to-use phones
that acted like mini computers with file systems, keyboards and styluses --
it was simple. Anyone could pick it up and figure it out. 
10 years on, you can't use the iPhone X without a tutorial, which Apple does
provide. Things that should be easy are complex. For example, don't you
swipe the camera icon to open it from the lock screen? No, you hard-press
and then release it. Why not simply add the option for both? 
Ten years on, the iPhone X is rife with hidden gestures you just have to
know, including powering down the phone.
Apple's also changed the buttons you press to take a screenshot and power
down the phone. If you mess this up, you might find yourself accidentally
calling 911. 
You have to know which side of the Notch to swipe for the quick-controls in
Control Center (the right side) and which to swipe for your notifications
(the left). And now, you double-press the lock button to finish installing
an app and hold it down to fire up Siri. 
While these changes are absolutely learnable, and even become second-nature
over time, the iPhone X's navigability is a far cry from the logical layout
that made the iPhone stand out from every other phone of its day. 
It's not that I wish the iPhone X reverted to the stripped-down style of the
original iPhone. It's that Apple, in paving the way with some new
technologies, had the opportunity to rethink how we use a phone, and wound
up making it more complicated to use -- not less. 

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