Thank you Rumi, your response was very helpful.   I seem to get the same
results whether the Actions "visible to public" setting is on or off.  I
turned it off for all applications and even restarted virtuoso for good
measure.  Is this a bug?

I would like to make this option false for applications by default so users
don't share information without having to make an explicit decision. What is
the best way to configure the server to make this change across all app

On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 10:20 AM, Rumi Tsekova <>wrote:

>  Hi Steve,
> You can try (no authentication required) this query to get all user demo
> for ex. AddressBook contacts:
> * Note that this will return data only for the user's AddressBook
> instance(s) which is public.
> (public is settable from Application Settings->Applications Management->for
> the instance in question click Edit from the Actions column. Finally set 
> "Visible
> to public". )
> prefix rdf: <>
> prefix sioc: <>
> prefix sioct: <>
> prefix xsd: <>
> prefix vcd: <>
> prefix dct: <>
> prefix dcc: <>
> select ?forum_name ?FN ?nick ?address ?title ?created ?link ?topic
> from <>
> where
>   {
>     ?forum a sioct:AddressBook .
>     ?forum sioc:id ?forum_name.
>     ?forum sioc:scope_of ?role.
>     ?role sioc:function_of <>
> .
>     ?forum sioc:container_of ?post.
>     optional {?post vcd:FN ?FN }.
>     optional {?post vcd:NICKNAME ?nick}.
>     optional {?post vcd:ADR ?address}.
>     optional {?post dct:title ?title}.
>     optional {?post dcc:created ?created}.
>     optional {?post sioc:link ?link }.
>     optional {?post sioc:topic ?topic } .
>   }
> If you want to use authentication with curl, then query from above will
> look like:
> curl -i -d "query=your_query_here" -u "user:pwd" http://host:port/sparql
> i.e for user demo at demo server sparql endpoint it will look like:
> curl -i -d "query=%0Aprefix%20rdf%3A%20%3Chttp://
> >%20%0Aprefix%20dcc%3A%20%3C
> >%20%0Aselect%20%0A?forum_name%20%0A?FN%20%0A?nick%20%0A?address%20%0A?title%20%0A?created%20%0A?link%20%0A?topic%20%0Afrom%20%0A%3Chttp://
> >%20%0Awhere%20%0A%20%0A%7B%20%0A?forum%20%0Aa%20%0Asioct:AddressBook%20%0A.%20%0A?forum%20%0Asioc:id%20%0A?forum_name.%20%0A%20%0A?forum%20%0Asioc:scope_of%20%0A?role.%20%0A%20%0A%20%0A?role%20%0Asioc:function_of%20%0A%3Chttp://
> -u "demo:demo"
> Hope this to help.
> Best Regards,
> Rumi
> ----- Original Message -----
>  *From:* Steve Judkins <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Saturday, March 07, 2009 4:31 AM
> *Subject:* [Virtuoso-users] Querying private dataspace data
> What is the proper way to query private data in a user's dataspace via the
> sparql endpoint?  For example, how do I query my private addressbook data?
> Perhaps someone can provide a curl example to clarify, because I have been
> trying to use these examples for querying a dataspace:
> These live queries against the demo account don't use authentication, and
> the "Dump all AddressBook's contacts" example doesn't specify a specific
> user.
> I guess I'm assuming there is a way to query all dataspace application data
> with user credentials on the sparql endpoint.  If this is scenario requiring
> OAuth let me know.  Thanks in advance.
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