[Virtuoso-users] Caseinsensitive search for uri

2011-07-02 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I need to search DbPedia uri by wikipedia link (entered by user). For example: SELECT ?uri WHERE { ?uri foaf:page } But I need to make this query case-insensitive (for the case when, for example, user enters ".../moon" instead of ".../Moon"). Here is

[Virtuoso-users] Bulk dataset uploading performance

2011-06-26 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! What does influence on the bulk dataset uploading performance? I need to upload about 50kk triples (quads) to the server with outdated hardware and 1gb of memory. I have set MaxCheckpointRemap, NumberOfBuffers and MaxDirtyBuffers to take all available memory but uploading goes very slow, ab

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Clear graph

2011-06-11 Thread Alexander Sidorov
log_enable 3 worked like a charm. Graph contains zero triples now. After that I tried to run vacuum() to make the size of my database less, but after it had finished its work, the size became even more (was 4.8gb, now 6.8gb). 2011/6/11 Ivan Mikhailov > Hi Alexander > > > log_enable(3,1); >

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Clear graph

2011-06-10 Thread Alexander Sidorov
> Best Regards > Hugh Williams > Professional Services > OpenLink Software > Web: http://www.openlinksw.com > Support: http://support.openlinksw.com > Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 9 Jun 2011, at 16:39, Alexand

[Virtuoso-users] Clear graph

2011-06-09 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I need to clear some graph from Virtuoso database. I execute "sparql clear graph { ?s ?p ?o}" doesn't become less. What am I doind wrong? Regard, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] EF support improvements

2010-07-23 Thread Alexander Sidorov
And the last thing. What about EF4 support? 2010/7/21 Patrick van Kleef > Hi Alexander, > > > >> Will this ADO.NET provider release be compatible with current Virtuoso >> Open-Source Edition? >> >> > Yes. > > > Patrick > >

Re: [Virtuoso-users] EF support improvements

2010-07-21 Thread Alexander Sidorov
.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 18 Jul 2010, at 07:42, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hello! > > I was out of Virtuoso news for some time... Was there a ADO.NET provider >

[Virtuoso-users] EF support improvements

2010-07-18 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I was out of Virtuoso news for some time... Was there a ADO.NET provider release with EF support improvements? Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LOD encoding problems

2010-05-22 Thread Alexander Sidorov
return fixedLgdString; } 2010/5/21 Alexander Sidorov > Richards, thank you for posting your ideas concerning LGD incorrectly > encoded strings. I didn't want to solve this problem for a long time because > hoped that fixed LGD dataset will be released before our service launch. &g

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LOD encoding problems

2010-05-21 Thread Alexander Sidorov
http_get >>> ('http://linkedgeodata.org/triplify/node/27503927'<http://linkedgeodata.org/triplify/node/27503927%27>), >>> '', >>> 'http://linkedgeodata.org/triplify/node/27503927'<http://linkedgeodata.org/triplify/node/27503927%

Re: [Virtuoso-users] geometry predicate lack

2010-05-20 Thread Alexander Sidorov
penLink Software > Web: http://www.openlinksw.com > Support: http://support.openlinksw.com > Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 18 May 2010, at 12:01, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hi Hugh, > > There wasn't any error. As the

[Virtuoso-users] Next snapshot

2010-05-20 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! What is the appropriate date of next snapshot release? Really it is important for me just is it before or after the 1st of June. Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] geometry predicate lack

2010-05-18 Thread Alexander Sidorov
; Support: http://support.openlinksw.com > Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 17 May 2010, at 18:04, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hi Kingsley, > > Yes, geo capabilities work very well under Virtuoso Cloud Edition (good >

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Amazon EC2 pricing clarification

2010-05-18 Thread Alexander Sidorov
wing hours will cost not 0.2$ but 0.3$. Regards, Alexander 2010/5/17 Kingsley Idehen > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > >> Hi Kingsley, >> >>We just offer a paid AMI with minimal mark up of the base costs. >> >> Hm... >> >>We need to double chec

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Migrating from x64 to x86 and back

2010-05-17 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Thank you Kinsley! I have remounted Amazon EBS to downgraded instance, replaced database files and Virtuoso magically started without any problem. 2010/5/18 Kingsley Idehen > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > >> Hello! >> >> For economical reasons I have to migrate from CentOs

[Virtuoso-users] Migrating from x64 to x86 and back

2010-05-17 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! For economical reasons I have to migrate from CentOs x64 (Amazon EC2 Large) to x86 (Amazon EC2 High-CPU Medium). I haven't found found any documentation concerning this kind of migration. Will it work if I just copy database files (which exactly?) from x64 instance to x86 instance? Regards

Re: [Virtuoso-users] geometry predicate lack

2010-05-17 Thread Alexander Sidorov
quot;lat" and "long" solved my problem. But please put the note concerning "geometry" predicate at linkedgeodata.org/datasets page to prevent other people to struggle with this problem." Regards, Alexander 2010/5/17 Kingsley Idehen > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > >

Re: [Virtuoso-users] geometry predicate lack

2010-05-17 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Alex, You are right, geo-capabilities are included only in commercial Virtuoso instances. But it is my case (as I use Virtuoso Cloud Edition). I hope OpenLink guys can clarify this behaviour so I have added virtuoso-users to cc. Regards, Alexander 2010/5/17 Alex Tucker > Hi Alexander, > >

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Amazon EC2 pricing clarification

2010-05-17 Thread Alexander Sidorov
2010/5/17 Kingsley Idehen > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > >> Hi Kingsley, >> >>We just offer a paid AMI with minimal mark up of the base costs. >> >> Hm... >> >>We need to double check this option as it might have been >>introd

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Amazon EC2 pricing clarification

2010-05-17 Thread Alexander Sidorov
2010/5/17 Kingsley Idehen > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > >> Hi Kingsley, >> >>We just offer a paid AMI with minimal mark up of the base costs. >> >> Hm... >> >>We need to double check this option as it might have been >>introd

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Amazon EC2 pricing clarification

2010-05-17 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Kingsley, > We just offer a paid AMI with minimal mark up of the base costs. Hm... > We need to double check this option as it might have been introduced after > our initial paid AMI scheme was constructed. Basically, the markup factors > would be the same. Thus, if there is a 96 hour dec

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Clear graph

2010-05-17 Thread Alexander Sidorov
er 2010/5/17 Kingsley Idehen > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > >> Hugh and Ivan, thank you for advices. I tried some of the ways you have >> suggested but they didn't work. It was easier to me to launch new Virtuoso >> EC2 instance and make dataset loading from scratch

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Clear graph

2010-05-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
og_enable() BIF is described in > http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/fn_log_enable.html > > Best Regards, > > Ivan Mikhailov > OpenLink Software > http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com > > On Sun, 2010-05-16 at 19:44 +0700, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hello! > > >

[Virtuoso-users] Amazon EC2 pricing clarification

2010-05-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I was surprised a bit right now (totally my fault). I payed attention to one-time and montly price of Virtuoso Amazon EC2 instance but didn't notice that per-hour pay is doubled (approximately). Now I'm trying to make it cheaper (as we are out of budget) and don't see enough information at

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Create user account using conductor

2010-05-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
port > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 16 May 2010, at 10:43, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > > Hello! > > > > Is there any way to create user account using conductor? I

[Virtuoso-users] Clear graph

2010-05-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Virtuoso hanged during large graph clearing. I stopped Virtuoso, removed virtuoso.lck and started again. I am not sure whether graph was cleared or not but now all queries from this graph result in "S1T00 Error SR171: Transaction timed out". I need to reload dataset to this graph. Is there

[Virtuoso-users] Create user account using conductor

2010-05-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Is there any way to create user account using conductor? I can see system accounts, modify them but what about adding a new one? Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Import DBpedia into Virtuoso

2010-05-12 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Benedik, I had similar problem. Switching to PC with more RAM solved it. Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Geo queries efficiency

2010-04-27 Thread Alexander Sidorov
query is like this: FILTER ( bif:st_intersects (?geo, bif:st_point (-85.7686328887939, 41.0006278592186), 2.548784053237235) && ?lat >= 40.9844337033077 && ?lat <= 41.0168220151295 && ?long >= -85.7900905609131 && ?long <= -85.7471752166748 ) and it's performan

[Virtuoso-users] Geo queries efficiency

2010-04-25 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! What is the most efficient way of filtering geomerty objects by latitude/longitude? I need to retrieve LinkedGeoData objects inside some rectangular boundaries. Here is how I filter objects now : where { ?entity geo:lat ?lat . ?entity geo:long ?long . FILTER ( ?lat >= 56.488136027950

[Virtuoso-users] SPARQL In operator

2010-04-24 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Should SPARQL IN operator work with subqueries? What I see now is that only first subquery result is used by IN operator. Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] SPARQL compare strings

2010-04-23 Thread Alexander Sidorov
by default" these two should result in identical > fragments of SQL. > > Best Regards, > > Ivan Mikhailov > OpenLink Software > http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com > > > On Fri, 2010-04-23 at 23:28 +0700, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > I forgot

Re: [Virtuoso-users] SPARQL compare strings

2010-04-23 Thread Alexander Sidorov
I forgot to notice that first query doesn't work. 2010/4/23 Alexander Sidorov > Hello! > > Should these queries: > > WHERE > { > ?s <http://www.geonames.org/ontology#featureClass> " > http://www.geonames.org/ontology#P"; . > } > > WHERE &

[Virtuoso-users] SPARQL compare strings

2010-04-23 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Should these queries: WHERE { ?s " http://www.geonames.org/ontology#P"; . } WHERE { ?s ?featureClass . FILTER (?featureClass = "http://www.geonames.org/ontology#P";) } be equivalent? Yes, I k

[Virtuoso-users] Virtuoso Cloud Edition licensing

2010-04-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Some time ago we had a conversation concerning Virtuoso Cloud Edition pricing. Here is the quote from there "Each AMI has a license that applies to the Virtuoso instances on the machine." (c) Kingsley. According to this quote I thought Cloud Edition license is applied per EC2 instance ("mac

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Load LGD to Amazon EC2 instance

2010-04-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
;/opt/lgdelement', *.gz', > 'http://linkedgeodata.org#<http://linkedgeodata.org/#%27> > ')" > > Best Regards > Hugh Williams > Professional Services > OpenLink Software > Web: http://www.openlinksw.com > Support: http://support.openlinksw.com > Forums: ht

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Load LGD to Amazon EC2 instance

2010-04-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
rvices > OpenLink Software > Web: http://www.openlinksw.com > Support: http://support.openlinksw.com > Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 16 Apr 2010, at 08:11, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hello! > > I'm tryi

[Virtuoso-users] Load LGD to Amazon EC2 instance

2010-04-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I'm trying to load LGD Elements dataset to my EC2 instance but as result get the following error at logs: 02:46:41 PL LOG: File /opt/lgdelements/global.graph error 37000 SP029: TURTLE RDF loader, line 1: Undefined namespace prefix at http://linkedgeodata.org# 02:46:41 PL LOG: File /opt/l

Re: [Virtuoso-users] ADO.NET provider DateTime bug(?)

2010-04-15 Thread Alexander Sidorov
I hope Virtuoso Mars Edition will solve crossplanets timezones synchronization :) 2010/4/16 Ivan Mikhailov > Hello Alexander, > > I will check details with other developers tomorrow. By default ODBC > prints strings without timezone offsets and ODBC TIMESTAMP_STRUCT lacks > timezone offset even

[Virtuoso-users] ADO.NET provider DateTime bug(?)

2010-04-15 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Previously I stored DateTime values as strings and casted them to xsd:dateTime dynamically at query time. Then according to Ivan's advice I reimplemented SPARUL part to cast DateTime values when they are added to the store. But now ADO.NET provider returns xsd:dateTime values as strings wit

[Virtuoso-users] ADO.NET provider stability

2010-04-12 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I need to decide can we use Virtuoso as relational storage at production or not. The most significant problem is ADO.NET provider. First we had encoding problem, then we had EDM generation one. They were fixed, but it took several months. After that we tried to use it with very simple scen

[Virtuoso-users] Retrieving total entities quantity

2010-04-12 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I have asked similar question in another thread but decided to reformulate it here. Let's assume we have the following query: select ?s count(?s) where { ?s ?p ?o . //some filtering logic here } GROUP BY ?s count(?s) will return count for each group (as expected). But I need total ?s q

[Virtuoso-users] System users

2010-04-11 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Documentationsays about only two system users. But there are some more users by default. Can I just remove them without any consequences? Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Amazon EC2 launch

2010-04-11 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Professional Services > OpenLink Software > Web: http://www.openlinksw.com > Support: http://support.openlinksw.com > Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 10 Apr 2010, at 15:38, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hello! > > I have

Re: [Virtuoso-users] SPARQL pagination

2010-04-11 Thread Alexander Sidorov
i > > directory of Virtuoso sources. > > > > Best Regards, > > > > Ivan Mikhailov > > OpenLink Software > > http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com > > > > > > On Sun, 2010-04-11 at 15:14 +0700, Alexander Sid

[Virtuoso-users] SPARQL pagination

2010-04-11 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! At the moment I'm implementing pagination for my SPARQL queries and I can't find out how to retrieve records count. By "count" I mean records number that were retrieved if I didn't use OFFSET and LIMIT clauses. Here is my sample query: prefix events:

[Virtuoso-users] xsd:datetime type cast

2010-04-11 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I see two ways to mark RDF literal as xsd:datetime: 1. Add "^^xsd:datetime" at the moment of addition it to the storage 2. Make type cast at query Is there any performance difference between these two ways? Regards, Alexander

[Virtuoso-users] Amazon EC2 launch

2010-04-10 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I have launched amazon EC2 instance according to this manualbut don't conductor at http://instance-public-dns/conductor. Are there any details I should consider? Regards, Alexander

[Virtuoso-users] Uptodate oat vad package

2010-04-03 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Where can I download uptodate oat vad package? Regards, Alexander

[Virtuoso-users] DateTime UTC

2010-03-28 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Does Virtuoso consider UTC offsets for datetime values? I haven't seen any examples with UTC offsets at documentation... Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Retrieve triples for list of entities

2010-03-23 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Sorry Sebastian. I was wrong about scopes. Generally looks like a bug. 2010/3/23 Sebastian Hellmann > Hi Alex, > > Am 23.03.2010 12:25, schrieb Alexander Sidorov: > > Hi Sebastian, > > > I think the first query doesn't work because you are trying to filter fir

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Retrieve triples for list of entities

2010-03-23 Thread Alexander Sidorov
I have looked through plenty of Virtuoso documentation articles and blogposts and haven't found any IN usage with subqueries. Is it possible? 2010/3/23 Ivan Mikhailov > Hello Alexander, > > > Let's imagine we have a list of entities uris' as input and we need to > retrieve all triples for each e

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Retrieve triples for list of entities

2010-03-23 Thread Alexander Sidorov
ogy/Airline>, > <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Band> <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Band>) ). > } UNION { > ?subject a ?expanded1 . > FILTER ( ?expanded1 IN ( > <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Album><http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Album>, > <http://dbpedia.org/ont

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Retrieve triples for list of entities

2010-03-23 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Ivan, Thank you! I should guess by analogy with SQL... Does IN operator work with subqueries? I have the following query: SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?p ?o FROM WHERE { ?s ?p ?o FILTER ( ?s in ( ( SELECT DIST

[Virtuoso-users] Retrieve triples for list of entities

2010-03-23 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Let's imagine we have a list of entities uris' as input and we need to retrieve all triples for each entity. The brute force solution is to process entities one by one executing the following query n times: select ?p ?o where { ?p ?o } N = 0..n But it looks very inefficient. Is there

Re: [Virtuoso-users] lod.openlinksw.com strange behaviour

2010-03-21 Thread Alexander Sidorov
gards, Alexander 2010/3/21 Kingsley Idehen > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > >> Oh, it's already online. >> >> Alex, > > What about having your own instance of LOD on EC2? Basically, you end with > an instance that serves the needs of your specific application. > >

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LOD encoding problems

2010-03-20 Thread Alexander Sidorov
e content. > > If your query executed on endpoint above returns bad utf8 please give us > the query so we can debug what happens, otherwise a possible problem is at > client side re-coding the response or reading it as narrow charset. > > Best Regards, > Mitko > > >

Re: [Virtuoso-users] lod.openlinksw.com strange behaviour

2010-03-20 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Oh, it's already online. 2010/3/21 Alexander Sidorov > Hi Hugh, > > Could you please post here when maintanance is finished? > > Is there any way to get information about lod.openlinksw.com/sparql status > changes? > > Regards, > Alexander > > 201

Re: [Virtuoso-users] lod.openlinksw.com strange behaviour

2010-03-20 Thread Alexander Sidorov
> > Best Regards > Hugh Williams > Professional Services > OpenLink Software > Web: http://www.openlinksw.com > Support: http://support.openlinksw.com > Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 20 Mar 2010, at

[Virtuoso-users] lod.openlinksw.com strange behaviour

2010-03-20 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! lod.openlinksw.com/sparql behaves strange today. For example, free text search doesn't return any result: select * where {?s ?p ?o . ?o bif:contains "manchester"} limit 10 Problems with index? Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LOD encoding problems

2010-03-18 Thread Alexander Sidorov
ery executed on endpoint above returns bad utf8 please give us > the query so we can debug what happens, otherwise a possible problem is at > client side re-coding the response or reading it as narrow charset. > > Best Regards, > Mitko > > > On Mar 17, 2010, at 3:54 AM,

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LOD encoding problems

2010-03-17 Thread Alexander Sidorov
nksw.com > Support: http://support.openlinksw.com > Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 17 Mar 2010, at 00:27, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > > Hello! > > > > I have already asked about LOD encoding problems be

[Virtuoso-users] LOD encoding problems

2010-03-17 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I have already asked about LOD encoding problems before but no feedback followed. To be more expressive I have attached my application's screen shots with information about Manchester (english symbols - everything is okay) and Moscow (russian symbols are displayed incorrectly). Regards, Al

Re: [Virtuoso-users] lod.openlinksw.com host4 is down

2010-03-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
tware > Web: http://www.openlinksw.com > Support: http://support.openlinksw.com > Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 16 Mar 2010, at 17:42, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > > > > > -

[Virtuoso-users] lod.openlinksw.com host4 is down

2010-03-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov

Re: [Virtuoso-users] lod.openlinksw.com is down

2010-03-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Ted, It's fine for me too at the moment :) But lod.openlinksw.com was unreachable for nearly 20 minutes recently. Regards, Alexander 2010/3/16 Ted Thibodeau Jr > Hi, Alexander -- > > On Mar 15, 2010, at 08:26 PM, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > >> [no message

[Virtuoso-users] lod.openlinksw.com is down

2010-03-16 Thread Alexander Sidorov

Re: [Virtuoso-users] SPARQL select only one optional value

2010-03-12 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Thank you, Ivan. That's what I really need :) 2010/3/12 Ivan Mikhailov > Hello Alexander, > > I need to get some cities with it's names. And here is my query: > > > >SELECT DISTINCT ?cityUri ?cityName > >WHERE > >{ > > ?cityUri ?pre

[Virtuoso-users] SPARQL select only one optional value

2010-03-11 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I need to get some cities with it's names. And here is my query: SELECT DISTINCT ?cityUri ?cityName WHERE { ?cityUri ?predicate ?value. ?cityUri a . ?value

[Virtuoso-users] lod.openlinksw.com endpoint encoding

2010-03-10 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Is all lod.openlinksw.com content encoded using UTF8? For example, when I execute the following query: SELECT * WHERE { ?p ?o} I expect cyrillic letters at the name but get some strange symbols. I tried on another PC (thought it could b

Re: [Virtuoso-users] LinkedGeoData SameAs assertions

2010-03-10 Thread Alexander Sidorov
s.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 8 Mar 2010, at 10:44, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hello! > > I'm working with LinkedGeoData through lod.openlinksw.com/sparql endpoint > and can't find any owl:sameAs assertions. Coul

[Virtuoso-users] LinkedGeoData SameAs assertions

2010-03-08 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I'm working with LinkedGeoData through lod.openlinksw.com/sparql endpoint and can't find any owl:sameAs assertions. Could you provide some simple query that demonstrates how LinkedGeoData is integrated with DbPedia? Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Free Text Search nonenglish symbols

2010-03-05 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Ivan, But what if the user enters the following string: someEnglishWord and someRussianWord or someIndianWord Will it work if I just place this string inside single quotes? Or should I place into single quote someRussianWord and someIndianWord separately? Regards, Alexander 2010/3/5 Ivan M

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Access nonlocal Virtuoso instance

2010-03-05 Thread Alexander Sidorov
ailov > OpenLink Software > http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com > > On Thu, 2010-03-04 at 21:47 +0100, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hello! > > > > I have installed Virtuoso and set System DSN using state white ip > > address. Virtuoso is accessed from local computer, but t

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Free Text Search nonenglish symbols

2010-03-05 Thread Alexander Sidorov
l#rdfpredicatessparqlexamples > > Best Regards > Hugh Williams > Professional Services > OpenLink Software > Web: http://www.openlinksw.com > Support: http://support.openlinksw.com > Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink &

[Virtuoso-users] Access nonlocal Virtuoso instance

2010-03-04 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I have installed Virtuoso and set System DSN using state white ip address. Virtuoso is accessed from local computer, but throws "No such host" exception at other computers. At the same time conductior is accessed without any problems. Firewall is switched off. Are there any additional activ

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Free Text Search nonenglish symbols

2010-03-04 Thread Alexander Sidorov
ort.openlinksw.com > Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 4 Mar 2010, at 13:20, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hello! > > I'm trying to find some information at lod.openlinksw.com using simple > query: > > SELECT

[Virtuoso-users] Free Text Search nonenglish symbols

2010-03-04 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I'm trying to find some information at lod.openlinksw.com using simple query: SELECT * WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . ?o bif:contains "Some non english literal" } As result I get an error telling "Invalid character in free-text search expression, it may not appear outside quoted string". I there any

[Virtuoso-users] Free text search details

2010-03-02 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I'm integrating Virtuoso Free Text Search into my application and have to validate user's queries according to Virtuoso rules. For example, if user enters a phrase beginning with "*" symbol Free Text Index will return an error (and will be absolutely right). Is there any list of such restri

[Virtuoso-users] Stored procedures vs. dynamic queries

2010-03-01 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Is there any significant performance difference between stored procedures and dynamics queries in Virtuoso (for example, Microsoft SQL Server caches execution plans for dynamic queries as good as for stored procedures). Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Complex search based on Virtuoso Free Text Search

2010-03-01 Thread Alexander Sidorov
L_Tutorials/SPARQL_Tutorials_Part_3/SPARQL_Tutorials_Part_3.html# > > I've had masses of "fun" with virtuoso and the extra options :) it's > amazing what you can! > > many regards, > > nathan > > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > P. S. At the m

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Complex search based on Virtuoso Free Text Search

2010-03-01 Thread Alexander Sidorov
P. S. At the moment I'm trying to combine all these approaches and integrate them into my search engine :) 2010/2/28 Nathan > Nathan wrote: > > > > SELECT DISTINCT ?s (sum(?oscore)) as ?finalWeight WHERE { > > { select ?s (xsd:integer( ?oscore * 1.4 )) as ?weight where { > > ?s ?o . ?o bif:con

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Complex search based on Virtuoso Free Text Search

2010-03-01 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Nathan, Thank you very much! You helped me significantly. After your message receiving I googled more about IRI:RANK and bif:contains and found some interesting information: 1. Orri Erling's article "More On Parallel RDF/Text Query Evaluation"

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Connections threshold for VOS

2010-02-28 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Kingsley, Sorry, I didn't understand your last sentence. What do you mean by "Re. Cloud we are reevaluating the current threshold now that we have v6.1 released in both closed and open source variants."? Regards, Alexander 2010/2/28 Kingsley Idehen > Alexander Sidorov

[Virtuoso-users] Connections threshold for VOS

2010-02-28 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Is there any connections threshold for Virtuoso Open Source Edition similar to Cloud Edition? P. S. It would be so great to see a complete editions comparison table... Regards, Alexander

[Virtuoso-users] Complex search based on Virtuoso Free Text Search

2010-02-28 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! I came to the most important part of my application - searching. What I need in my RDF-based search is to implement Free Text Search for several predicates, get relevance for each of them and then combine it some way into total relevance. The first idea was to use bif:contains, but I have n

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Autoincrement rdf field

2010-02-27 Thread Alexander Sidorov
expression like this in backquotes and use in constructor > template instead of a plain variable, that's all. > > Note that bif:sprintf should form an absolute IRI as namespace prefixes > and BASE will not play any role at the runtime. > > Best Regards, > > Ivan Mi

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Storing uris

2010-02-26 Thread Alexander Sidorov
es. Regards, Alexander 2010/2/26 Nathan > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > > > I use SPARUL. > > > > In that case it's just a simple <http://a.uri> which denotes the type of > the uri :) virtuoso will do the rest > > > > > 2010/2/26 Nathan > >

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Storing uris

2010-02-26 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Nathan, I use SPARUL. Regards, Alexander 2010/2/26 Nathan > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hello! > > > > What is the best way of storing properties' values that are uris: as > literal > > ("http://somgraph#somename";) or as uri (<http://s

[Virtuoso-users] Storing uris

2010-02-26 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! What is the best way of storing properties' values that are uris: as literal ("http://somgraph#somename";) or as uri (). May be there are some specific built in functions for one of this ways... Regards, Alexander

[Virtuoso-users] Free text index update

2010-02-26 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! My message about possible error in documentationwas ignored, so once more :) Do I understand right that to make free text index update synchronously I should execute the following code: DB.DBA.VT_BATCH_UPDATE ('DB.DBA.RDF_OBJ',

[Virtuoso-users] Autoincrement rdf field

2010-02-26 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! What is the preferred way of stroring autoincrement values in RDF-storage? Now I just use GUIDs (but don't like them) and have some workaround ideas of using relational table's autoincrement field values at RDF-storage. But may be there is some build-in support? Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] FreeText manual update

2010-02-25 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Patrick, Thank you for the link. It really clarified how this stored procedure works. But it looks like this phrase from documentation is incorrect: To set the text index to follow the triples in real time, use: DB.DBA.VT_BATCH_UPDATE ('DB.DBA.RDF_OBJ', 'ON', null); As I understand, 'ON' sho

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Multiple graphs in one ruleset

2010-02-25 Thread Alexander Sidorov
al CVS and will appear in the nearest snapshot > or release of VOS. > > Best Regards, > > Ivan Mikhailov > OpenLink Software > http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com > > On Mon, 2010-02-22 at 09:55 +0100, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hello! > > > > Documentati

[Virtuoso-users] FreeText manual update

2010-02-24 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Documentation on this pagesays: "To make the update always manual, specify NULL as the last argument above." It is unclear for me from the context what exactly I should set to NULL. Regards, Alexander

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Multiple graphs in one ruleset

2010-02-22 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hi Kingsley, Thank you for clarifications. I have just misunderstood rdfs_rule_set concept :( Now the problem is solved. Regards, Alexander 2010/2/22 Kingsley Idehen > Alexander Sidorov wrote: > >> Hello! >> >> Documentation says "It is possible to combine mul

Re: [Virtuoso-users] Multiple graphs in one ruleset

2010-02-22 Thread Alexander Sidorov
//www.w3.org/2009/08/skos-reference/skos-owl1-dl.rdf%27>), > 'no', 'urn:rulegraph'); > DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML (http_get > ('http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl.rdf'<http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl.rdf%27>), > 'no', 'urn:rulegraph'); > &g

[Virtuoso-users] Multiple graphs in one ruleset

2010-02-22 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! Documentation says "It is possible to combine multiple schema graphs into a single rule set", but how to implement this? If I try to use rdfs_rule_set with one name but different graphs only the last one is used. Also I tried to create graph group and rdfs_rule_set to it, but it didn't work

Re: [Virtuoso-users] ADO.NET provider Virtuoso 6.1 compatibility

2010-02-19 Thread Alexander Sidorov
://boards.openlinksw.com/support > Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink > > On 14 Feb 2010, at 23:17, Alexander Sidorov wrote: > > Hello! > > Is ADO.NET provider compatible with Virtuoso 6.1? When I try to add tables > through Visual Studio EF-designer, Virtuoso works strange, it&#

[Virtuoso-users] input:same-as and labels

2010-02-19 Thread Alexander Sidorov
Hello! First, I would like to ask a question: does same-as inference is enabled automatically when I set "DEFINE input-inference "? When I set just input-inference, everything is okay. But when I additionally set same-as inferencing this way: DEFINE input:inference "ruleSetName" DEFINE input:sam

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