Hi there

In the case of VNC not been able to work like Terminal services.
Could you are anyone recommend a terminal services \ server other than the
standard Remote Desktop application.

Kind Regards
Brent Clark

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Marc A. Mapplebeck, MCP/MCDST/N+
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 9:52 PM
To: 'Robert Saintonge'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: NEWBIE - Does realvnc work like Terminal Services?

No, VNC is a remote desktop client. It only allows you to see what is on the
screen physically. Hope this helps - Marc

-"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
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Marc A. Mapplebeck, MCP/MCDST/N+
IT Manager, City Animal Hospital Ltd.
Owner, Shutterbug Productions & Consulting
MCP#: 3146827
CompTIA#: COMP001002835054
P: 506-471-7044
W: 506-458-9223
F: 435-417-1662
ICQ: 26743793
Yahoo!: mmapplebeck

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-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Robert Saintonge
Sent: June 28, 2004 16:00
Subject: NEWBIE - Does realvnc work like Terminal Services?

I have read on the site and in archives, but I am not sure.

Can multiple users access a computer with different profiles / sessions ?
Will I get to the Windows Users list (2000/XP)?  Can I pass the username and
password?   I have experience with Terminal Services and it works great.

Thanks for clarifying.
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