On Thu, Oct 05, 2006 at 11:18:46PM -0700, rama krishna wrote:
> Hi,
> Iam sorry for the message. It went accidentally.
> Thank you very much for the reply to my query. Now iam
> able to understand.

No problem.

> I have one more doubt
> After client sends Setpixelformat message as follows
> bpp=32
> dep=24
> bend=0
> tcol=1
> rm,gm,bm,pad etc.
> and then a framebufferupdaterequest with
> width=1024,h=768.
> now server sends fbu message with nrects=3
> first rect is cursorpseudo encoding with w=16,h=16
> Now from where shjould i read the next rect.
> for cursor pseudo encoding data consists of
> w*h*bytesperpixel count of pixel values
> and floor((w+7)/8)*height bytes bitmask
> in this case i thought it will be like this
> 16*16*4=1024
> as bpp=32 in the latest setpixfor msg.
> then 32bytes bitmask.
> total of 1056 bytes.
> then if read the next rect header after 1056 bytes iam
> getting some strange values like w
> x=9762,y=16318,w=4096,h= etc. (I use those ntohl,ntohs
> conversions)

I see no flaws in your logic, so my guess is that you have made a
simple off-by-one mistake or something. You could try to slide the
parsing backwards and forwards in the buffer, until you hit the
spot where it all fits.

But I'm far from perfect :-), somebody else might spot something,
so I'm sending this to the list.

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