we have installed VNC for WinNT on a number of PCs and NT Servers

At the moment, I use an Internet Browser (IE) to access all the remote
machines, using the following URL:
 <http://> :5800">http://<machinename>:5800

Just for speed up the process of locating and connecting to each PC, I wrote
a simple HTML page with the map of all the PCs and an hyperlink to each of
them. Under the hyperlink there is simply the corresponding machine URL ...
All is OK up to this point

And ... this is the question: is it possible to send the VNC password of the
remote machine via the URL (avoiding to enter the password at every access)?

I want to keep each machine password active for security reasons, but would
like to write (only for me) an HTML page with hyperlinks like this (for
example)  <http://> :5800:pwd=">http://<machinename>:5800:pwd=<password>

Anyone of you knows if it works and how?

Many thanks

Antonio Grimaldi

Ing. Antonio Grimaldi
Responsabile Strategie di Prodotto

Koinh SpA
via della Libert` 5-12
30175 Marghera (VE)
Phone 041 5099 202
Fax 041 5099 202
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