I'm a newbie. I read the excellent documentation and mailing lists pretty carefully, and could not figure out what I was doing wrong. I had seen many similar "newbie cannot connect" postings on the list, with no apparent resolution. It was the situation where the newbie can connect with the LAN, cannot connect over the internet. I was going to post a lot of details (included at end), hoping someone could help.

Then, I started thinking about my dsl modem, and maybe it was the problem. I had pretty much ruled out everything else. Sure enough, after I went to the cisco web site, read the documentation on my cisco 678 modem, found my password for the modem, and especially followed the directions on http://www.portforward.com/ (which was mentioned in another post) to forward the ports from the cisco modem to the linksys router, the connection works fine. It was not trivial.

No need to reply to this. I just thought it might help someone else. And I had already taken so many notes! This problem of having a router behind a router is probably obvious to the experts, but I had not seen it mentioned, or missed it.

Daniel Goldman

*** No need to read the following floundering around.

*** Relevant Settings (I think)

VNC Server Free Edition for Win32, Version 4.1.2
Running on Windows 2000 SP3
Local static IP address =
http://www.whatismyipaddress.com/ says
Computer connected to router with ethernet cable
Access Control = +
Accept Connections on Port = 5900
Prompt local user to accept connections - checked
VNC Password Authentication - Configured

VNC Viewer Free Edition for Win32, Version 4.1.2
Running on Windows XP Pro Version 2002 SP1
Local static IP address =
Three connection scenarios:
 1) Connected to router with ethernet cable
 2) Connected to different wireless router
 3) Connected to dialup account

Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router - WRT54GS
checked - Filter IDENT
not checked - Block Anonymous Internet Requests
not checked - Filter Multicast
not checked - Filter internet nat redirection
Port Forward - 5900 - TCP and UDP - - Enabled
DMZ disabled - but see later
DHCP disabled - internal network uses static ip addresses
MTU - auto - 1500

DnyDns set to ehdp.gotdns.org - results same as

*** Scenario #1: Viewer PC connected to router with ethernet cable

vnc connection ( to works fine. Looks great!
vnc connection ( to fails.
"Attempting to connect to host" for about 10 seconds. Then,
"Unable to connect to host: Connection timed out (10060)"

"ping" from viewer PC ( works fine.
"telnet 5900" from viewer PC fails.
"telnet" from viewer PC asks for a password
(User Access Verification), apparently to cisco dsl modem.
Passwords for cisco dsl modem, router and windows don't work.

*** Scenario #2: Viewer PC connected to neighbor's wireless router (roaming)

vnc connection ( to fails.
"Attempting to connect to host" for about 10 seconds. Then,
"Unable to connect to host: Connection timed out (10060)"

"ping" from viewer PC works fine.
"telnet 5900" from viewer PC fails.
"telnet" from viewer PC asks for a password
(User Access Verification), apparently to cisco dsl modem.
Passwords for cisco dsl modem, router and windows don't work.

*** Scenario #3: Viewer PC connected to dialup account

Exactly same as Scenario #2, except the ping does not work (?).

I double-checked the router port forwarding menu, and
everything else, I think pretty carefully.

I tried putting vnc server PC as DMZ on the router. Did not help.
I tried getting rid of windows passwords. Did not help.
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