I had some termination issues with random cell phone carriers, some where
608d other where 200d but really the phone didn't ring. (a rate of 60% of
calls was like this)
After collecting a few samples, and complaining to my upstream carrier,
they had been improved immediately)
On Wed, Jan 11, 2023
Check the 608 responses for a Call-Info header. If present, it should
contain a point of contact for redress.
"If there is a Call-Info header field, it MUST have the "purpose" parameter
of "jwscard". The value of the Call-Info header field
Welcome to the wide world of random call blocking.
We've been seeing the same issue for some time now due to the magic of
"analytics". Emergency notification calls (school closures, weather
events, shootings) are especially great when getting blocked due to random
systems deciding that they don't
Hi All,
We are a small ITSP and every so often we have issues with calls that go to
T-Mobile. We sign all our calls with our cert. Lately we have been getting
404's, 608's etc through 382, Telnyx and SIPRoutes. Bandwidth has been
worse than the rest as they don't outright reject calls but they sen