In article <> you write:
>Howdy, folks,
>A consulting client is traveling to Rwanda for business, and I'd like to 
>provide him with a local number he
>can call to reach me if need be.   I don't see any Rwandan DIDs at Twilio or 
>  Any leads?

This page from MTN, the Rwandan mobile phone company, says that calls
to the US are 51 RwF/min, which is about 7c US, or you can get a pack
for 1200 Rwf ($1.65) which gives you 50 mins to the US, good for one day.

Local calls to Rwandan landline numbers are 46 RwF.  They will sell
you a basic phone for 9500 RwF ($13) or I presume you can get a SIM
for your 900/1800 GSM phone.

Doesn't seem much point to get a local number.

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