If you do modify the circuit, you will probably want to decrease the series R. Even though the external loads are likely to be in the megohm range, the feedback load is significant, and likely the biggest part, except for fault conditions. For lowest noise and suppression of effects due to bias current, the DC feedback network needs to be low in resistance, so 1k in series may add too much drop and make the amplifier run out of headroom, or change the amount of self-heating in the amplifier die, affecting it in unpredictable ways.

If you use series R in the 100 ohm range, it should have less effect on the normal amplifier conditions, and still provide some degree of fault isolation. You can add clamp diodes if it doesn't have them already. For 10 V output, I'd recommend a 12 V, 1W zener to ground right on the amplifier output, and a diode to the plus supply.


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