At 6:18 AM 2/21/5, Terry Blanton wrote:
>(Are you paying attention, Horace?)

Yep, I'm here, now, if a bit late.

>This is truly SAD:
>"ANCHORAGE ó Anchorage (search) police said a woman upset about an
>impending break-up with her boyfriend cut off the man's penis and flushed
>it down a toilet. "

I figured it would become national news.  More can be seen at:


as well as other Alaskana.  Fur Rendezvous week is now in session.  This
time of year was picked in part to let off some steam, to relieve some of
that cabin fever, the local name for SAD, before "break-up" occurs, in
Spring.  When I came here in 1976 the streets froze over in early September
and didn't thaw until break-up in April.  Break-up used to be roughly a two
week event of slushy streets and potholes in the ice.  Now it seems to
happen off and on all winter long.


Horace Heffner          

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