John Berry wrote..
>I have a friend, he's a bit odd, but anyway he told me about a friend of his (also John) who built a death ray, he isn't technical and I'm am doubtful he'd be able to come up with such interesting details, by using very strong UV lamps and high voltage was able to create just such a conductive channel through the air, he told me the guy had killed, I forget if it was a goat or a cow, maybe one of each with it.
He asked his friend if I could have a look but his paranoid friend (who lives in isolation) didn't agree, and next time he told me that it wasn't working. (I forgot what he said blew)

This was about a year ago if that.

I'd say it's more likely than not he's on the level, he doesn't have interest in science in any form which makes the details (most of which I can't recall accurately enough to recount) he gave seem unlikely to be fabricated.

Howdy John,
After all John, what are friends for? Used to have a friend like that myself. LIved over near Cat Spring ,Texas in an ole house next to the abandoned railroad tracks  ('bout 40 some miles over from Dime Box, Texas).   Anyways, this fella could sit in his front porch rockin' chair  and drink " white lighnin". He could actually see and hear the ole steam locomotive coming into town 100 years after they tore up the tracks and the last train ran.
Now, that's what you call science.
He had this trick.. he could drink corn squeezing and chew tobacco both at the same time.  Well... err... that is ' till one night he accidently washed down a whole plug of "Wedding Cake" chewing tobacco with a healthy "swig" of white lighnin.
What happened next could be described sorta like what happened to your friend.. septin.. my friend spent the next few days in the outhouse... funny thing .. he never heard or saw any more steam locomotives.. but that science for you... can't always reproduce an experiment.


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