* * *Here's some fun with PLASMA PHYSICS:  In Korean air/ground-skimming space: 
the quasi-FUSION project has produced the Mageto-XO-Plamic-toroid ELECTRO-PLAS 
METEOR-technology.  That latest most 'fun' development is that 
launch-generators/launchers  are far more directable now(accurate) via using
a similar parallel BUSS-BAR launcher of the XO-gravion-TOROIDS(projectiles) 
much like the RAIL-GUN.
Gene Roddenbury predicted this technology(somewhat) in a series called 
ANDROMEDA in which was illustrated a weapon known as
WHEN Tesla did this inadvertantly from Wardenclyff-Long Island circa 1908 he 
went ALL-OUT from his generators at Niagra
in one-shot  because George Westinghouse was cutting off his funding for his 
Atomospheric-Charging Station Energy Project: within
moments of Nikola throwing the power switch on what he thought would 
generate(at the very least)a psychedelic SUPER AURORA
BOREALIS; oops instead he created-broadcasted an 
ELECTRO-PLASMIC(Plasma-Breach-frisbee)TOROID that fired up along the 
EM-geo-flux grid
to the N-Mag-Pole and bounced across as far as Tunguska where which it 
connected to the Geo-Flux-EM-Planet via STORM FRONT-LIGHTENING GIGA INPUT to 
the Plasma-Breach which amplified it to FULL WHITE HOLE status for a 
pin-point/split instant to egress
XO-PLASMA which created FUSION in the UPPER STRATOSPHERE. . .  the timing here 
is IRREFUTABLE to the nano-second. . . meteors and comets were NOT in the 
neighborhood at the time.
CONCOMMITANTLY:  When FISSION(or fusion) BLASTS etc.(Hiroshima etc.) create 
their notable MAGNETO-PLASMIC(bagel-shaped) TOROIDS they are in fact a 
PLASMA-BREACH REACTOR which is strong enough to KICK-START via trans spectrum 
field viscosity a parallel XO- SPACE HyperPlasma-Breach Toroid which opens up 
an Einstein-Rosen Connection between the two.  In the Fission Blast's case a 
pin-point white-hole is opened up and the notably large PILLAR OF FIRE MUSHROOM 
CLOUD is how much XO-PLASMA ingress POWER comes into our space-time normal in a 
microscopic blink of a nano-second.
A PROTON & A GALAXY etc. is a model of this also. . . but with a 'proton' the 
mushroom collumn(characteristic axial jet) creates the ELECTRO-VALENT shell(s) 
circulation-configuration. . . the Bohr model is closest. . .(and this is what 
the PRIMER FIELDS you-tube video was REALLY ILLUSTRATING. . .)
Tesla called it his death-ray.  John Hutchison of Vancouver-BC got a lot closer 
aka THE HUTCHISON EFFECT.  Einstein was Tesla's Protege' during the Phoenix 
Project/CLASSIFIED before Tesla passed.  Relativity and the Phoenix project led 
to the Manhattan Project. . .  and we all ride their coat-tails. . .  WHAT FUN! 
 DARPA.mil and CANADIAN SECRET SERVICE-------------->SEIZED John Hutchisons 
work--------before he could take his project (at fervent invitation!) to Max 
Planck Institute, Deutschland-Munich.
Now that's what I call ENTERTAINMENT!  Cheers;  Walter Bishop~;)

> Subject: Re: [Vo]:S.Korea Fusion
> From: jounivalko...@gmail.com
> Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 03:29:56 +0200
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Indeed, 
> However plasma physics is by itself interesting, so it is nice to have some 
> big science experiments running. Science is not about profit but having fun!
> If plasma physicist would like really do something that could spawn profits 
> on a long run, then they should study helium-3 fusion. It is nicer, because 
> it does not produce a neutron flux, but it emits fast protons. This means in 
> practice that protons can be captured with magnets and their kinetic energy 
> can be transformed directly into electricity with high efficiency (over 70%).
> This would negate at least your arguments (1) and (2) that are devastating 
> for the deuterium based plasma fusion to have any economical prospects. 
> However argument (3) is still valid and it hard to see how even he-3 plasma 
> fusion could compete economically with solar electricity, wind power and 4th 
> gen nuclear.
> China is already building quite promisingly cheap 4th gen helium cooled 
> nuclear plant at Rongcheng. 
> —Jouni
> Sent from my iPad
> On Jan 25, 2013, at 1:54 AM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> > This type of hot fusion has three problems that have not been solved or 
> > even widely acknowledged.
> > 
> > 1. The fusion is between D+T. The tritium must be created because it is not 
> > a natural isotope. The plan is to convert the neutron flux into tritium 
> > which is fed back into the reactor. Unfortunately, this conversion process 
> > is not 100% efficient because many neutrons are lost without making 
> > tritium. This missing tritium must be made using a fission reactor or 
> > accelerator, with the added expense this gives.
> > 
> > 2. The first wall is exposed to an intense flux of radiation. As a result, 
> > its integrity is gradually compromised. Replacement is a major problem and 
> > requires shutting down the reactor for an extended time. During this time, 
> > the missing power must be supplied by expensive backup generators, thereby 
> > increasing the average cost of power.
> > 
> > 3. The system is very complex and as a result has many failure modes, most 
> > of which have not been identified. These will only be identified after the 
> > money has been spent and the machine is put into service. Consequently, 
> > more money will be required, but at this stage too much will have been 
> > invested to abandon the method, which seems to be the case even now.
> > 
> > The comment below is exactly correct. This program is a waste of money and 
> > will never produce commercial power. The method was given its chance to 
> > prove its worth and it has failed. Yet it goes on. In contrast, cold fusion 
> > was never given a chance to prove its worth. 
> > 
> > Ed Storms
> > 

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