Just some interesting news from PhysOrg.com


The onset of electrical resistance


"Motion of electrons (blue) and holes (red) in an electric field (video)

This is exactly what scientists at the Max-Born-Institute in Berlin recently
did in a semiconductor material and report in the current issue of the
journal Physical Review Letters [volume 107, 256602 (2011)]. Extremely short
bursts of terahertz light (1 terahertz = 1012 Hz, 1 trillion oscillations
per second) were used instead of the battery (light has an electric field,
just like a battery) to accelerate optically generated free electrons in a
piece of gallium arsenide. The accelerated electrons generate another
electric field, which, if measured with femtosecond time resolution,
indicates exactly what they are doing. The researchers saw that the
electrons travelled unperturbed in the direction of the electric field when
the battery was first turned on. About 300 femtoseconds later, their
velocity slowed down due to collisions."


Note the statement, ".indicates exactly what they are doing".  So
determining exactly what the electrons are doing, which I assume means
location (and velocity?) should give Heisenberg heartburn?  Or are they only
obtaining position info?




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