We have mentioned AirGen before.


They have developed kind of a Grove Cell - a cross between a battery and a H2 generator (electrolysis cell) which uses an active nano-colloid, in addition to shorted electrodes.

The idea is that you pair it with a fuel cell and get a lot more power per weight or volume than an advanced battery.

The colloid is 'sacrifical' (i.e appropriate for comment on Easter ;-) but they have never said how much the cost is - to replenish it... which is probably the fly in the ointment as we all know that nano-anything = tres cher. But they have hinted that the colloid can be reactivated, at least partially, in situ.

Apparently they had a demo two weeks ago in San Antonio -


Funny that they did not get any press coverage on that demo, at least which I can find... maybe Richard has seen it?


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