BlankJones wrote..

NASA apparently recruits smart folks, right? The $64 question is:  
Why would they imagine that this is limited to, or even more appropriate, for 

Howdy Jones,

Halophyte production is beginning to make sense. Combined with developments in 
extremely fast  growth algea production, we may have a serious source of raw 
materials for bio-fuels.  Well... err.. maybe if NASA don't take over.

 There is some serious private capital plus money coming from the State of 
Texas for push behind algea and Halophyte production plus a number of small 
startup diesel biofuel  plants. One of the concerns along the Texas coast is 
the huge fresh water acquifers are being pumped at a rate that salt water 
intrusion is beginning migrate underground from the shoreline. A salt loving 
crop would help. 

Jose' Cuervo bio-diesel... get more stroke outa ya piston.


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