Charles Brown wrote,

I have been thinking of for years that combines magnetic
and electric fields for critique as an open source
offering. The magnetic part is provided by hoop coils in a
row like a egg shaped wire and paper lantern with the
largest diameter hoop in the center and progressively
smaller diameter hoops at the ends. The current in the
center coil is much greater than that of the other coils
so the magnetic field has a small waist in the center. The
hoops are held by a strong insulating material which
supports an electric gradient with the center grounded and
both ends positively charged

Howdy Charles,

Interesting thought. We have been studying ways to build a "modular" test rig to further examine a "eyewall" shaped water vortex we produced during a series of tests developing a high speed mixer. The shape of the water vortex differs from a "typical" parabolic ( tornado" shape in that a near perfect cylinder shape appears. This is similar to a hurricane shape vortex with the near vertical eyewall except the cylinder is under one inch diameter in our tests. We have some PDF pics for anyone that wishes to study these cylinders. WE have a series of experiments we wish to run including magnetic, electric conductive coils , sonics, laser, microwave and laser. In one configuration we are studying we plan to try to make the eyewall egg shaped as well as hourglass shaped. This mat be possible by using an old fashion "Gibson" formula venturi and a Lazell type flow nozzle ( expands rather than contracts). By injecting added water into the converging cone tangentially we think we can " tailor make" different shaped water vortex. One of the factors we also want to include is the "mysterious" sympathetic vortexes spun off the main cylinder. These vortexes form and dissappear randomly and are nearly always horizontal or diagonal in position. Some can be extremely robust before they decay. We too are thinking of a series of cone shaped spiral springs and neodym magnets positioned around the vortex cylinder and hopefully surround an eggshaped and hourglass segment in the eyewall. Our efforts are toward finding methods of desalinization of seawater with the added benefits of reconstructing the minerals and salts so as to separate a type of granite material in lieu of salt. Chickens produce eggs, egg shells are calcium. Removing calcium from a chicken's food and water supply does not prevent the chicken from producing a calcium eggshell. Now if we can figure out where all the granite came from in those west Texas hills we could be a step closer.. maybe.... transmutation??? hmmm.


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