You’re most welcome… been a Holmes fan since college days… 30 yrs ago!


A few other bits of Sherlockiana…


Although Holmes said, “Elementary, Watson”, and “My dear Watson”, Holmes never 
said, “Elementary, my dear Watson.”


Sherlock had a smarter, older brother… Mycroft Holmes.


Holmes never wore his deer-stalker cap in London… he only wore it when on a 
case that took him out of the big city.  The deer-stalker cap is the one that 
looks like two baseball caps; one oriented forward as usual, and the other 
backwards.. i.e., it has two ‘visor’ portions, with one in front and one 
sticking out the back… no doubt to cause the rain dripping from your cap to 
fall on the back of your coat and not run down the back of your neck and under 
your coat.


Finally, of all the TV/movie renditions of Holmes and Watson that I’ve seen, I 
think the PBS Mystery series with Jeremy Brett and Edward Hardwicke as Holmes 
and Watson, was the closest to what I remember from reading all 56 short 
stories and 4 novels that Conan Doyle wrote.  Jeremy Brett did a very good 




From: David Roberson [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2011 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Is the ECAT out of the bag?


Thanks,  I knew I could count on the vortex!

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint < <>>
To: vortex-l < <>>
Sent: Sun, Oct 30, 2011 10:54 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]: Is the ECAT out of the bag?

>David Roberson wrote: 
>I recall an old phrase attributed to Sherlock Holmes along the lines of “Once 
>all of the probable answers have been proven wrong, >then it must be the 
>improbable”.  Someone among the vortex will correct my phrase and that is a 
>good thing.  My wording is >incorrect, but that is not the important issue.

“Eliminate the impossible, and whatever remains, however improbable, must be 
the answer.”



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