Hello Vorts,

This is a brief, informal report, I expect to have more in March. The trip went quite well and very smooth. It was mostly business, not too much tourism, but there's always next time. I can't say enough good things about the Indian people; their kindness, patience, generosity and scientific acumen made it a great journey.

We had half a dozen meetings with India's top scientists and told them the basics about LENR.

Some of the people we met with included the science adviser to the Prime Minister, the chairman of the atomic energy commission, the three past chairmen, and the directors of some of the largest and most prestigious research institutions in India.

LENR research was performed in India starting in 1989 when it was called cold fusion, but it came to a halt in India after four years because of various reasons. The big day on our tour was at the National Institute for Advanced Studies on the campus of the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. I, McKubre and Srinivasan gave presentations there. K.S. Jayaraman wrote a nice summary of the meeting for Nature India:http://www.nature.com/nindia/2008/080117/full/nindia.2008.77.html

Many local organizers are to thank for the successful tour, however, much credit goes to Mahadeva Srinivasan for spearheading the talks. It's not the first time he has made a significant contribution to Indian science.

India LENR Tour


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