
May I propose something perhaps more worthy of the talent assembled here than 
insulting each other?

If this is a scam, I would dearly love to see it exposed unequivocally. If I 
were wealthy, I'd be inclined to underwrite a contest with, say, a $10,000 
prize to any group who can build a (fake) replica of Rossi's device that 
duplicates the performance observed by Essen & Kullander. I'm not wealthy, but 
it occurs to me that such a contest would provide good story material for any 
number of media organizations. Rossi would of course be invited to bring one 
his "real" devices for side by side testing. He might not accept, but that 
would say something in itself, especially if one of the contestants fields a 
device that passes the test.

Perhaps NyTeknik could work out a deal with Nature, the producers of 
Mythbusters, etc to jointly underwrite it. There are plenty enough photos from 
Kullander and Essen's (K&E hereinafter) visit to deduce the external dimensions 
of the apparatus and how many wires and tubes of what diameter connect to the 
system. K&E can provide upper bounds on the weight of each piece and the 
configuration of components in the control box.

None of the parts of the apparatus look very expensive or difficult to 
construct. Mostly copper tubing and some valves. A smart bunch of grad students 
could build one in a week. Heck, Tom and Po could probably knock one out on a 
Saturday afternoon.

Is anyone interested in helping me flesh out an email to NyTeknik (or any other 
technical magazine) with a suggested protocol, list of possible partner 
organizations, and most important a compelling list of benefits to said 
magazine from undertaking this?

For those wanting to get a head start at building a successful fake, the best 
analysis and compendium of possibilities I've seen is at


[ re-invents the tarallo fake ]

The simplest fake (I think not on the list above) is as follows:

Use 300W heater to heat inside of apparatus. Have water flowing in outer jacket 
insulated from core. Stick thermometer into reator to monitor water outlet temp 
but internally decouple thermometer from water, couple it to reactor core.

You will see this can be done rather easily, and if thermometer goes into 
reactor no-one can know what it is actually in thermal contact with. You could 
even make it in contact only with water, visibly so, but reduce speed of this 
bit of water to essentially zero, so temp is determined by small metal spur in 
thermal contact with oinner core. You could add bubbles to the stationary water 
to make it look like it is moving (but this is probably too elaborate).

So many ways...

But to do this really well, you want a magician, not a physicist. Ask on the 
Randi forums. Good magician will make it look as though thermometer must be in 
contact with main body of water when in reality it is not.

The key to this is to spend a long time demonstrating the thermometer works, 
the pump works, the flow-meter works, the input power is no more than 300W, etc.

**** new variation -- I'll add it to me next version  **** "
You might also have an electrically heated water outlet hose, heated on 
outside, and ask people to touch this as added confirmation that water is 
really hot.

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