All=STEM+IC=MIND's Hologram=Energy's 1st-Estate//{STEM+IC=Space Time Energy 
*Premise: The 'prime-energy-dimensional-density estate is MIND:'  And this 
MIND/first-energy plateau renders the ALL and every manifestation of the 
physics that we can detect 'and' the laws of physics that we cannot as yet 
perceive.  And as such this STEM+IC/MIND-FirstEnergy  being the 'Holographic 
Projector.'  And also as that Prime Energy Plateau as being the First-Estate of 
Energy, then  all subsequent spectrum gradients 
radiating-developing-progressing-evolve outward/beyondward from the 
Centre-Point of 'First-Mind.'  Even though we say 'first' as in 'first in 
time,' this is probably misleading in that 'time' is non-componential relative 
to the better said 'central nexial/axial region' of STEM+IC/FirstMind/MIND.
INFORMATION-COMPUTATION:  IC would then provide the intial & ubiqitously 
interconnected/permeating 'Push/PrimeMomentum' of every other omni-dimensional 
energy construct.  


This means profound physical-actual energy attachment and prime-motive 
influence.  This is 'not' a metaphysical exegesis.  'Metaphysics'  as a term 
means that 'we can barely detect that 'something' is going on, but we are yet a 
long way off from having good understanding.'  The best point here is that we 
are a 'greater/much larger awareness' than our bio-empirical senses are usually 
currently able to process &/or articulate.  But we grow inexorably which is 
heartening.  And the bioplanetary chapter of this 'growth-process' is one hell 
of a ride methinks.  To the paranoid it's hell; but to ambitious & hungry & 
inspiratorially-eager it's the ambrosia of agony-ecstacy; painfully exquisite, 
terrible & brilliant and the very 'breath of life.'
* * *A STEM+IC/Premise:  All Space Time Energy Mass plus 
Information-Computation is as the formative-projection of MIND as the 
First-estate/level/PrimeMotiveEnergy level of the infinite gradient energy 
spectrum of the known Univere and not-quite-known Aexoverse.  (The 
Bubble-Universe infini-myriad array likely has us as one of many low-density 
universe-bubbles within a more dynamic & dense super-energy 'space).
It would follow that 'Time' is merely the perceived-difference/friction between 
proximal-contact of differing &/or opposing speeds&densities of adjacent energy 
levels which are all staged upon an energy-whole-cothe ultimately source & 
connected to the Origins Prime-Energy Spectrum Region of First-Mind.  "Time" is 
a notion & perception of proximal energy phenomenonal relative speed-density, 
and as such is but a local-regional & tempory perceptual 'allusion.'  And this 
linear-'Time' allusion depends completely on our 'postion' and lack of 
sensory/empiracal/awareness skills/tools that we use to determine/decide upon 
how to intrepret the 'data' that it at present only 'seem' that we 'know.'  
This is what we call 'knowledge' an is much more temporary&tenuous than we care 
to admit which is our only deficient tool/'rule' to determine just where we 
'stand' at the moment within our lesser abilities to directly perceive a larger 
*STEM+IC:  All subsequent gestalts-centres of IC-Information-Computational 
aware-ness would perforce also have ubiquitous transdimensional 
energy-connected access to Every Coodernate within our Space-Time Bubble 
universe and to every energy coodinate within the infinitude beyond.  
Conservation of Energy alludes even stronger that as gestalt-connectedness of 
First-Mind-IC we have virtually infinite potential to project 
holographic-formative impress of all aspects of STEM+IC within the power of the 
centre of our minds which are mini-models of the greater STEM+IC whole.  Remote 
Viewing emerging science begins to point us to this reality as the 
Prime-Postulate that will open us to horizons of STEM+IC physics that is 
defusing the light of dawn to us as we speak.
And thus rightly did Albert Einstein state; "The Imagination is more important 
than Knowledge."  And I might add; that the 'Imagination=First Mind/Prime 
Mind-IC projective-creative holographic abilities to virtually 'create' 
knowledge.  And thusly we are motive-agents of 'real' ongoing 
creative-expansion-evolution within the Universe/Aexoverse fluid dynamic 
systemic infinity-unity.  In this light the very 'nature' of 
'Empirical-Analysis' needs massive revisions that were begun with Werner 
Heisenburgs Uncertainty & Schrodinger's Cat & Spooky Action at a Distance 
apparent-but-real paradox's.  The Japanese use paradoxical-Koans as mental 
exercises to expand their thought processes as also the Tao Te Ching is 
designed to do.  Maybe the 'East' has the jump on us here.
This starts to sound like 'religion;' but this is First-Physics/Ultimate 
Aside:  'Time' conjecture has become a 'Gordion Knot' grounding shunt for much 
MIND-gestalt creative energy in physics these days.  'Time' is a convenient 
'transitory-perceptual-symptom'  temporary & as such is a quasi-emprical 
relative tool.  The 'Time' phenomenon is merely the 'optical illusion' of the 
relative frictions between relative speed-densities of proximal energy & its 
mass-constructs and which is a  functional device of our bio-planetary 
existential-awareness development.  But the physics significance of 'Time' is 
merely transitory & local.  An allegory is that for instance; sometimes when 
we're stopped at the traffic light in a centre lane to the right, and then the 
adjacent line of cars along side of us whose line can move forward because up 
ahead they are turning 'right' on 'red' causes their forward motion out of the 
corner of our eye to give us 'even the physical inertial sensation' for a 
confusing paradoxical-sensate instant that we are somehow standing still and 
'moving backwards' at the same time.  Thus is 'Time' as a mere 'sensate 
quasi-empirical holographic 'illusion.'  In short 'Time' only exists for the 
moment; because as gestalt/aware-extensions of the First-Mind-IC we 'agree' and 
in unison holographically project 'Time's'  quasi-laws; but just as long as 
'Time' is useful.
*STEM+IC Hypothesis: Bringing First-MIND/STEM+IC into myriad-manifestation of 
kaleidoscopically infinite potential is the very Prime-Motivation-Impetus of 
'all' energy as an unfied 'First-MIND-origined' contiguous whole.  There is a 
method to the madness; and it is beautiful, & terrible, & Wyrd & inexorably 
ubiquitously & actually/physics-ally 'present' while being ubiquitously the 
Binding-Force of this Whole Cloth of All-Energy.
* * *A STEM+IC/Premise:  All Space Time Energy Mass plus 
Information-Computation is the formative-projection of MIND as the 
First-estate/level/PrimeMotiveEnergy level of the infinite gradient energy 
spectrum of the known & unknown Univere/Aexoverse(likely as  ours being one of 
many low-density universe-bubbles within a more dynamic & dense super-energy 
At various spectrum-plateaus we identify a certain 'whole dimensional 
brackets/cross sections of the -rainbow- as it were;'  and as opposed to using 
the term 'dimensions' as X/Y spacial positional coordinates etc.
?Is this simply 'religion' disguised as science?  I say negative to that, and 
moreover religion was a tangential step-child to the evolving First-Mind-IC 
expansion within our bio-Planetary environment that was at first shamanism, 
then clarifying and evolving into Alchemy-Astronomy, then on to 
Physisc/Astrophysics and the bio-sciences ad-infinitum.  And at that stage that 
we had to usurp the challange of cowardice/timidity/paranoia that masqueraded 
as self-preservation-survival we collectively began to  turn the tables on the 
paranoids when the bolder & more adventurous realized that real 'survival' 
depended on the curious/bold/creative and we thusly move onward & upward.  
Lions can whip tigers anyday because they from cubdom onward hone their 
surival/battle/hunting skills on brawling with their peer/siblings.  And thusly 
our internacene-brawls are probably as stimulatively 'good' for us as they are 
'fun.'  A little 'blood in the eye' is good for the soul.

*Of Note:  This is all starting to sound somewhat 'Mayan' which was 'not' 
necessarily my nor the academy of STEM+IC theorist's intent 

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