Here is an exchange with ChatGPT today. Based on this, I think ChatGPT
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ME: Can you summarize a document on the internet if I give you the URL?

ChatGPT: Yes, I can provide a summary of a document on the internet if you
provide me with the URL. However, it's important to note that the quality
and accuracy of the summary will depend on the complexity of the content
and the length of the document. Additionally, if the document is protected
by copyright, I cannot provide a summary without permission from the
copyright holder.

ME: What is the maximum length?

ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I don't have a strict maximum length for
summarization. However, the length of the summary I can provide depends on
various factors such as the complexity and density of the content. In
general, the longer the document, the longer the summary would be. However,
for very long documents, it may be more effective to summarize individual
sections or paragraphs rather than the entire document as a whole.

ME: Okay. Summarize this document:

ChatGPT: The document titled "Cold Fusion: Comments on the State of
Scientific Proof" by M. C. H. McKubre discusses the history, current state,
and future prospects of cold fusion research. The author provides a
detailed analysis of the experimental evidence supporting the existence of
cold fusion, including the excess heat and nuclear products observed in
various experiments. He also discusses the challenges faced by the field,
including the lack of a clear theoretical framework and the difficulty in
reproducing results.

McKubre argues that while cold fusion research has been largely dismissed
by the mainstream scientific community, the evidence suggests that it is a
real phenomenon that deserves further investigation. He suggests that the
field should focus on improving the reproducibility and reliability of
experiments and developing a more comprehensive theoretical understanding
of the underlying processes.

Overall, the document provides a thoughtful and nuanced perspective on the
current state of cold fusion research, highlighting both its potential and
its challenges.

ME: That is a good summary.

ChatGPT: Thank you! I'm glad you found it helpful. If you have any other
questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, please let me

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