Part 3 in a continuing effort to flesh out a workable hypothesis for energy 
gainfulness from bosonic low energy "paired-lithium" reactions - aka 

In the most general terms, an "exciton" is an ostensibly *neutral* (in charge) 
agglomeration of atoms which is in a state of electrical stimulation for an 
extended lifetime: almost like an ion (which does have charge bias and a 
shorter lifetime). 

This state exists on a geometric scale which is called the Forster radius 
(there is usually an umlaut over the "o"). The term "quantum dot" has also been 
used for describing the same, or a very similar structure and size range. This 
is the same geometric scale or near it, of about 2 to 10 nanometers, where the 
Casimir force and Van de Waals forces are seen to operate. This is exactly 
where we find such strange phenomena as "luminescence" and also possibly it is 
a gateway for ZPE effects - via John Wheeler's "quantum foam".

All of these concepts and fancy-argot are interrelated and new - yet there are 
articles on Wiki (which unfortuantely are in the same state of flux which you 
will see for LENR and other rapidly evolving subfields of physics). These 
articles have a decided slant towards semiconductor applications nowadays, but 
none of these terms is exclusive to that field.

A state of "charged-neutrality" is unusual and is due to the combination of an 
electron "hole" and a bound electron in a small nanoparticle. We are talking 
about units which are typically from 10 atoms up to a few thousand in number, 
and are typically spherical-  or near-planar and circular in the case of 
semiconductors. Since the "hole" - by definition - may be a positron (although 
in typical semiconductor situations it is not seen) this possibility offers a 
pathway for extreme energy levels in certain situations (other than 
semiconductors). There is also a pronounced near-field charge bias to the 
nanoparticle - which is almost always a negative charge - and there can be 
extreme magnetism- the so-called GMR, or Giant Magnetoresistance.

The most interesting thing about this merger (nano-merger so to speak) - which 
is on the horizon, between semiconductor technology and alternative energy 
applications - is that perhaps the main simple and single ingredient which 
needs to be added into the mix to make it "on dmenad" is the bosonic state. 
This makes the field look like "Fire from Ice" in a way that Gene Mallove could 
never have fully appreciated just a few years ago. However, it should be noted 
that Robert Forward had put forth the ironic situation for cryogenics and 
energy- and foresaw that the prospect of using LENR as an energy source and 
achieving really robust LENR on demand may likely require cryogenic 
temperatures (to increase the statistical probablility of attaining even 
transitory BEC states in reactants).

Wait a minute you say ! Doesn't that requirement immediately make it hopeless 
as an energy source? 

After all, if we must expend 10kW to  keep a LENR cell cold enough to be really 
active - by removing all of its excess heat and then some - then how on earth 
is will an effective net energy balance ever take place? 

There is a good answer for that - to follow, and it does not require keeping a 
cell cold, per se - but to understand the line of reasoning, one must 
appreciate that 'coldness' itself is relative. A very cold exciton, which 
appears to be moving very fast in our frame of reference can still be a 
condensate at cryogenic temperatures in its own frame of reference - up until 
the time that those two frames merge together. As you may be guessing by now, 
the only way to pull this off is in an inertial confinement arrangement; and 
with an accelerated exciton as the "fuel" which attains its own 
frame-of-refernce, independent of the target, for brief time span.

It is probably coincidental to some degree that the field of LENR is being 
classified these days as "condensed matter" physics - when in that instance 
they are NOT referring to the same kind of "condensate" i.e. the BEC which may 
be needed for this hypothesis. 

More later,


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