In reply to  Harry Veeder's message of Mon, 18 Aug 2008 13:31:30 -0500:
Hi Harry,
>De Broglie's is solution is consistent with conservation of angular momentum
>because he applies his quantization rule to orbits in plane. It seems to me
>if 3-D lissajous type orbitals are allowed that would lead to an
>inconsistency with the conservation of angular momentum. However if the
>nucleus were engaged in its own lissajour type orbit around the electron the
>conservation of angular momentum might be preserved.
This is a good point, and I grant it. However I would argue that if you do as I
suggested with the figure "8", then you will see that the deviation from
orbiting in a plane can be quite small, and can in fact be treated as a
perturbation superimposed on the basic simple math in the document. It was not
my intent to provide an exact mathematical description, but rather an outline of
the principle in a form that is relatively easy to envisage.
In short, I'm more interested in making the case for shrunken orbitals per se
than in providing an *exact* mathematical description in this document.
Note that relativistic effects have also been deliberately ignored.
Clearly however this is something that needs to go into an introduction.

Robin van Spaandonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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