Those of you interested in modeling all things astronomical, here's an
interesting PDF:


A physicist friend from academia responded to the above by saying this:


"I gave a talk two years ago on the solar cycle and that the planets are
tugging the sun about the central mass of the solar system. I have seen at
least two more publications that dealt with  this subject. It is essentially
a 'celestial dance' of the planets with the sun, where Jupiter, the most
massive planet, sets the stage. The solar cycle is also very close to the
period of Jupiter.


Another article showed time-series analysis of temperature measurements on
earth and compared this with the time-series analysis of the movement of the
center mass of the solar system. You could see all the planetary orbital
frequencies in the temperature data - only the moon was an addition to the
frequencies in the earth's temperature variation. Most interesting!"



-Mark Iverson


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