A quantitative measure of the yield of transmutation products (and isotopic
shifts from natural distribution in key products
Its hard to relate this to LENR in D/Pd systems. If you ad a D or H
to a palladium and the created instable nucleus (Ag*) emit an alpha,
it will create some mostly unstable nuclides of rhodium. Rh103 is the
only stabile rhodium. H+Pd106 will give the stabile Rh103 and there are
stabile Pd
The tendency for Helium production in LENR transmutation could well be the
result of the inherent nature of the nucleus to be constructed out of alpha
particle clusters. The alpha particle cluster model is one of the enduring
concepts that run through all the various theories of nuclear structure.
There is an insurmountable conceptual divide that will make it impossible
for the DOE to except LENR. A nuclear physicist will never believe that you
can do nuclear physics without neutrons.
Nuclear physicists have spent their whole lives learning how matter can
only be manipulated through the app
Dear Friends,
I have published now:
This is actually the 3rd paper from the series:" Ideas and modes of
thinking for solving the LENR problem" i.e making it to progress
*My gratitude to the author!*
Abd and I know we
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