My "Gravitational Pair Creation" article has been updated:

The most significant update is the adding of this section:


If particles are created in quartets then it is easy to see how black holes emit opposed mass charge matter as well as radiation. Each quartet has two pairs of particles, each pair with opposed mass charge. When a pair annihilates, it creates two photons having the same gravitational mass charge as the original pair. However, the photons have no charge to hold them back from exiting the vicinity of the remaining pair. If the photons have the same gravitational charge as the black hole, they are absorbed into the singularity, increasing its gravitational charge. If the photons have opposed gravitational charge, then they ar ejected from the black hole with additional energy added.

Suppose a quartet of electron-positron particles is created from the vacuum in the interior of a black hole, one pair having 2 *(+i)*(511 keV/c^2) gravitational charge, the other 2 *(-i)*(511 keV/c^2) gravitational charge. The black hole has mass +i*M. If one pair of the quartet, say the pair having 2 *(+i)*(511 keV/c^2) gravitational charge annihilates, then the two resulting 511 keV photons will be absorbed by the singularity. The remaining pair, if they annihilate, will create a pair of 511 keV photons which will be expelled at high energy from the black hole, otherwise, both particles will be expelled. If the quartet creation event occurs at radius r from the singularity, then the ejected mass/energy in either case will be

   U= G*m*M/r = G*(2*511 keV/c^2)*M/r

If a quartet is created at a radius of 1 m from the singularity of a black hole of mass of 1000 suns then the energy created for each member of the ejected pair is:

   U= G*m*M/r = G*(511 keV/c^2)*(1000)*(1.9891x10^30 kg)/(1 m)

   U = 1.20904x10^-7 J = 7.54624 x 10^11 eV

The Schwarzschild radius of a black hole is given by:

   R_s = 2*G*M/c^2

The kinetic energy of a pair particle, ejected at the Schwarzschild radius is:

   U_s = G*m*M/(R_s) = G*m*M/(2*G*M/c^2)  = (1/2)*m*c^2

which for an electron or positron is the kinetic energy:

   U_s = (1/2)*(511 keV/c^2)*c^2 = (1/2) 511 keV = 255.5 keV

For a photon, we add that gravitational potential energy to its original 511 keV energy, to arrive at 766.5 keV as the lowest energy photons to be emitted from within the Schwarzschild radius of any black hole, and as seen at large distance. That is a frequency of 1.8533 x 10^20 Hz, and wavelength of 1.6175 x 10^-12 m. The relation of flux to energy is inverse cubic. That is because the volume from which a given energy is emitted is proportional to the cube of the radius at which the emission occurs, and vacuum fluctuation quantities per unit of time are proportional to the volume of vacuum involved. The largest flux of photons from within any black hole will thus be at about 767 keV. The cutoff energy is limited only by the shortest feasible radius at which quartet fluctuations can occur.

The luminosity of a black hole grows in proportion to its volume which means in proportion to its Schwarzschild radius cubed, and thus its mass cubed, i.e.:

   Luminosity ~  (2*G*M/c^2)^3  ~ M^3

Unfortunately, it is not certain this photon flux will be visible. The photons represent negative energy to the locality of the black hole if the mass of the black hole is of the same sign as the locality it is in. In other words, black holes emit photons and particles which have repelling gravitational characteristics. If an approaching black hole has ordinary gravity to us, we might not be able to see it except for the glow of any inward falling mass.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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