I wonder why we are worried for a strong opposition to Ni-H LENR
as a form of cold fusion...not the scientists will decide
The initial problem of cold fusion is one well known to the players
of 'contract bridge' game- bidding too high, promise of cheap, inexhaustible
rich source of energy. But even after 20 years Pd-D LENR/CF is science,
very interesting science with many areas and ramifications and open ways
of research but definitely nothing good for Technology (yet), A bad question
is -will it ever be?

The Battle is now about the acceptance and implementation of the Rossi E-cat
on the energy market, especially the US market.
Can we consider the disastruous PR of Cold Fusion so strong that the E cat
be  a collateral victim?
Let's look to the elementary conditions for an energy source, old or new to
on the market:

It must be sufficiently INTENSE to be *useful*,

It must be sufficiently REPRODUCIBLE and CONTROLLABLE to be *reliable,*
It must be sufficiently CONTINUOUS (i.e. long lasting) to be *practical*
It must be sufficiently SAFE and CLEAN to be *harmless*
It must be sufficiently easily UPSCALABLE to be *extended* and *diversified,

It must be sufficiently CHEAP to be *competitive*

It must be sufficiently VALUABLE to be. or to be easily convertible in,
electrical energy
(it is usual to speak about "high  currency" and "low currency" energy.

These are ideal conditions and all the energy sources that had been, are, or
will be used
fulfill these requirements- more or less.

Let's analyse thoroughly the Rossi generator, does it possess an
irresistible combinations
of the above characteristics- so it could conquer the markets? Which are its
weak points,
can they be they cured or eliminated by development? Is it necessary or
possible to
elaborate an even better variant of Ni-H LENR? PIantelli is doing this, why
other skilled people
do not try? Or...?
Can somebody of you, friends, ask smarter questions?


PS just for fun, Google Translate- Italian to English (Stremmenos interview)
has translated
"Pd" as "Democratic Party" - it's true it was very late when this has
happened and after
long hours- the machine could be very tired.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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