Here is one tidbit that seems to indicate it might be...

Santilli writes:
    In 1996 I submitted to  International Journal of Modern Physics D paper

    The result was achieved via the old hypothesis that the charge
distributions of protons and neutrons are deformed when these particles are
members of a nuclear structure, resulting in a consequential DEFORMATION OF
their INTRINSIC MAGNETIC MOMENTS, the ONLY known approach permitting an
exact fit of the experimental value of the magnetic moment of all nuclei, as
predicted by Fermi, Segre, and other Founders of nuclear physics (when
physics was not dominated by dirty politics).

    An invariant representation of this old hypothesis was easily achieved
by hadronic mechanics via nonunitary transform (20). The exact-numerical and
invariant representation of ALL nuclear magnetic moment then follows. For
instance, a small prolate ellipsoidical deformation of nucleon charge
distributions of about 1% permits the exact fit of the magnetic moment of
the deuteron. Easy extrapolations then permitted the representation of ALL
other nuclear magnetic moments.

    The paper was soon accepted by an Editor of IJMP D of high reputation
and ethical standard, and sent to Singapore for publication.

    Upon arrival, the World Scientific (WS) main editorial office in
Singapore suppressed the publication of the paper, in violation of the
acceptance by one of its best and most qualified Editors, and, following
fake reviews of additional imaginary editors, the paper was rejected WITHOUT

    You should be aware that the theory preferred by the U.S. organized
scientific crime, quantum mechanics, has been unable to reach an
exact-numerical representation of nuclear magnetic moments despite one
century of research and a river of public money. In fact, quantum mechanics
still misses about 1% of the magnetic moment of the deuteron, with
progressively bigger deviations for the helium, etc. to reach truly
embarrassing deviations in large nuclei such as the zirconium.

    Yet, the ethical and scientific status of your publisher is that nuclear
papers based on quantum mechanics continue to be published in large numbers
without any problem despite insufficiencies that would take a book to list
(see [7i] for an outline), while a paper achieving the FIRST EXACT, AND
INVARIANT representation of ALL nuclear magnetic moments had to be
suppressed. For what reason? Evidently because quantum papers are aligned
with the organized scientific crime served by WS main editorial office,
while Santilli's papers are opposed by the same interests.

    The case is deplorable because, as documented to the WS headquarters in
all details during my respectful (at that time) petitions to reconsider the
rejection of a formally accepted paper, the admission of the deformability
of the charge distribution of nucleons directly implies for certain
technical reasons the existence of new means for the recycling of highly
radioactive nuclear waste via their stimulated decay [23].

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