Axil to Ecco

Omega Z posted: As to WHY they only had a limited sample.The reason Rossi
was involved with extraction of the sample was he didn't want the
Professors to analyze the internals of the reactor. Rossi stated this at
the time. Everyone seems to have missed that.I don't have that link
but,Follows is some additional info provided by Rossi


Alexvs October 19th

Why the sample withdrawn from the E-Cat in Lugano was only 2 mg from a 1 g
charge ?

Andrea Rossi October 19th

Alexvs:Because that was the maximum amount that was possible to withdraw
from the E-Cat by the Professors without breaking the reactor, due to its
complex internal design.Warm Regards, A.R.http://www.journal-of-nuclear-...


Everyone assumes the reactor is a smooth bore. It could contain ridges
internally as it does on the exterior, or fluted along it's internal
length.It could also be of a threaded nature having been molded around a
piece of threaded ready rod.

These could have various effects. One is it could allow increased heat
transfer in from the resistors & out when producing excess heat. It could
also aid in the circulation of the Li/H around & into the Nickel catalyst
reducing hot spots. The internal shape of the reactor can even control the
temperature zones and focus the heat to specific zone of the reactor. It
would definitely provide more surface area and definitely make it much
harder to scrap out the used fuel.

Axil Axil to Omega Z: Particle 2 of the ash assay on page 45 of the Lugano
report shows a particle that is a silicon dioxide particle. This leads to
the speculation that the inside of the Lugano reactor is filled with silica
based Aerogel. Like carbon, silicon is a Hydrogen Rydberg matter catalyst.
Silicon monoxide is also LENR active since it mimics potassium in terms of
electron outer shell bonding. It also may be necessary to keep the nickel
particles separated to avoid overheating at startup in order to give the
reaction some time for the reaction to establish itself.

Ecco to axil: with your discussion about ridges in the internal ceramic
tube, are you suggesting that the Lugano experiment might have been
internally shaped like a sort of heat pipe?

[image: Thumbnail] <>

[image: Thumbnail] <>

[image: Thumbnail] <>

In principle this could ensure a constant flux of hydrogen on the active
sites, needed to observe the effect (ie to form ultra-dense hydrogen
according to Leif Holmlid).

In real life applications a working fluid (usually water or alcohol) able
to exist in both gaseous and liquid state is used in these pipes. How could
it work in this case?
That is, unless you meant something else.

Axil to ecco: The heat pipe works by using a liquid like lithium that flows
down a heat gradient from the cold end to the hot end where the liquid
evaporates. The liquid is held within the mess by capillary force and is
carried along by a screen or a foam. After evaporation, the vapor moves
down the clear channel down the center of the pipe. What makes the pipe
work is a adjustment of a partial vacuum that lowers vapor pressure that
reduces the boiling point of the liquid coolant so that the liquid
evaporates readily in the optimum temperature range. The vacuum is adjusted
to produce the proper temperature operating range. I will bet this heat
pipe idea is what Rossi is doing and is one of his secret methods. This
method protects the reactor from hot spots, keeps the temperature
isothermal and keeps the fuel powder from clumping since the powder gets
suspended in the wire mess or foam cover on the inside of the tube.

[image: Thumbnail]

Lithium is a major liquid metal coolant uses currently in use throughout in
the commercial heat pipe marketplace.

Heat pipe design includes refractory metal or ceramic envelope/lithium
working fluid for high temperature (above 1050 °C) applications.

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