Jed & Group
Actually, once you file a provisional patent application, your filing date is 
established, assuming you follow through with a non-provisional patent within a 
year.  I filed first and disclosed soon after, to network and hopefully get 
Why help someone pursue a patent?  You still get to benefit from the free 
energy when the technology becomes available in the market place, just like you 
can buy equipment to access the free energy of the Sun, except ZPE potentially 
has a much greater practical energy density than Solar.
Besides, if the basic concept is public domain then there is no protection from 
special interests who will simply patent every practical way to implement the 
basic idea, you are simply handing the patents over to established special 
interests.  In contrast, a well-written patent can be broad enough to preclude 
much or even all of such activity.  Either way, you are at the mercy of the 
final patent holders.  I have not persisted in doing this for my own 
enrichment, there are many, far more certain ways to make money than to spend 
my life pursuing long-shots.
Beleive it or not, you will never benefit from free energy if it is made 
instantly available at no cost.  The reason is simple: All of the money we had 
been spending on petroleum and Power Company expenses would hit the economy and 
cause inflation; in other words we would just pay more for everything else and 
the benefit would vanish.  
Instead, I plan to use much of the previous oil revenue to create new product, 
new industries and new high-paying jobs.  I plan to use the royalties to bring 
the Third World up to G-8 standards of living---but in an ecologically 
sustainable way.
Please contact me at my e-mail since I have not had time to read most 
group-posts recently.
Wm. Scott Smith

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