I looked at the subject lines of the author's other papers and it seems he's
focused on ball lightning... and it may be relevant.

The other thing that comes to mind are 'charge clusters' which came out of
Ken Shoulders'  and Hal Puthoff's research.  Try searching for 'charge
clusters' and/or KS or HP.

Buggin' out for the rest of the night...

-----Original Message-----
From: pagnu...@htdconnect.com [mailto:pagnu...@htdconnect.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 7:44 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:"The cooper pair dance".

Perhaps this has already been discussed on Vortex-l, but a quick search
yielded the following paper -

"Formation of Cooper pairs in quantum oscillations of electrons in plasma"

- I have only briefly perused it, but if it's correct, it may point out some
connections of high-temp Cooper-pairing, plasmons, and anomalous fusion.
Some other papers by the author also address this issue:


Any opinions on this series of papers?

- Lou Pagnucco

Axil Axil wrote:
> When protons enter a micro cavity, they rattle and dance around it for 
> a long, long time. All the while, the walls are vibrating.moving back 
> and forth in a random fashion in the protons reference frame, As they 
> bounce of the walls, the walls give and take energy away on each 
> bounce. So when the protons encounter each other, they never have the 
> same quantum mechanical properties.
> [...]

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