What intrigues me is that very cold neutrons switching spontaneously
out of our realm in seconds via low intensity mirror realm magnetic
fields is a scheme that sounds similar to the Widom-Larson conjecture
in recent years:

strong electric currents creating momentary neutral associations
between protons and electrons, on the surfaces of solids, with zero
overall charge and very low speed, on surfaces where the
proton-electron association can act like a neutron, moving so close to
the atomic nucleus as to enable the strong force to grab the proton,
which emits a positron that combines with the electron, making an
escaping gamma and releasing nuclear energy -- leaving the nucleus
with an added unit of mass, enough in many nuclei like Cu to produce
short-lived radioactives that give off gammas and electrons one by one
via known decay chains, resulting in a stable element with higher
proton numbers...

search Google for Widom-Larson weak interaction transmutation decay chains...

eternal exponential expansion of science is an empirical law that,
given the actual single, fully and intimately unified, creative, fey
fractal hyperinfinity beyond-within all subjective and objective
realms, will forever display unpredictable phenomena on all scales --
just as observed since 1660...  heh, heh...
"Murray's Law"...

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