The LED or "light-emitting diode" as we all appreciate, is defined as a semiconductor junction which emits visible light when a voltage is applied. There are other kinds of diodes which emit light but do not employ a semiconductor. Consequently, it would not be incorrect - semantically - to call a generic spark discharge or an electric arc with no semiconductor, or a hybrid device with arc discharge - a LED.
A lamp used for automotive headlamps, called the HID, can be super-efficient and is the subject of dozens of patents - surpassing even semiconductor LEDs in efficiency, especially when radioactive materials are employed. A niche market for extreme brightness headlamps for cars emerged a decade ago - using costly xenon-filled bulbs - and there were other types of efficient lamps being prototyped - none of which were gainful on their own of course ... but ... perhaps being being relevant to the Rossi story. When used in a boot-strap fashion - as an efficient photon pump, the idea would be to stimulate UV emission in a coating of the HID bulb using the Mills effect. Is this grasping at straws? Maybe, but it is a slow News day. Plus, there are a few notable hydrides which are semiconductors and a few which fluoresce when pumped by photons. If one wanted to believe that there could be a device which emitted more light than the equivalent electric input - then there are actually a couple of possibilities for such a hybrid configuration. This includes an optical coating for a HID lamp -- which is pumped to emit UV. Such a bulb coating as a hydride, could provide positive feedback to lower the required current required by the HID bulb. Thus a small gain would be possible. This is crunch time for AR and many former followers have now written him off completely, since it appears to be the same old scam as before. And now that even Mats Lewan is about to dump him - AR has little choice but to provide a real test which shows actual net gain... not that there is any credibility left, but who knows? It is a curiously contrarian thought to imagine that this guy, as dishonest as he has been in the past, really did stumble onto something valid after having been little more than a scoundrel for decades. A first product: A lamp, powered by zero point energy | | | | | | | | | | | A first product: A lamp, powered by zero point energy The lamp Ecat SKLed Since I last updated this blog over two years ago, a few things have happened, and I will tr... | | |