>From PhysOrg.com.

The first having to do with catalysts...

"...researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence Berkeley 
National Laboratory
(Berkeley Lab) have created bilayered nanocrystals of a metal-metal oxide that 
are the first to
feature multiple catalytic sites on nanocrystal interfaces. These multiple 
catalytic sites allow for
multiple, sequential catalytic reactions to be carried out selectively and in 

"Catalysts - substances that speed up the rates of chemical reactions without 
themselves being
chemically changed - are used to initiate virtually every industrial 
manufacturing process that
involves chemistry. Metal catalysts have been the traditional workhorses..."

Has Rossi (and perhaps BLP and LENR) found a catalyst to speed up or manipulate 
nuclear processes?  
If that is the case, then it is just the tip of the iceburg as catalysts are 
what make the chemical
industry go round!  And this is much bigger than even any of us has imagined...

"It is well-known that catalysis can be modulated by using different metal 
oxide supports, or metal
oxide supports with different crystal surfaces," Yang says. "Precise selection 
and control of
metal-metal oxide interfaces in nanocrystals should therefore yield better 
activity and selectivity
for a desired reaction." 

Are the 'nuclear catalysts' the way that the branching ratios are manipulated 
to be other than what
is known from hot-fusion?

And the Second article involves how molecules with a very large rotational 
component transfer that
energy to other forms...

"High-energy molecules play a major role in the chemistry of combustion, 
plasmas and the atmosphere.
Scientists have been able to generate and investigate molecules with large 
amounts of vibrational,
electronic or translational energy, but methods for producing and studying 
molecules with large
amounts of rotational energy have remained elusive. In the April 5 issue of the 
Proceedings of the
National Academies of Science, University of Maryland Chemistry Professor Amy 
S. Mullin and her
research team introduce a new instrument that can both impart extremely large 
amounts of rotational
energy to molecules and study how they subsequently transfer their energy to 
other molecules..."

Hasn't one of the key questions been how the energy from the LENR reactions is 
transferred into the
lattice (to manifest as heat) and not into hi-energy particles (gammas and 
neutrons), to manifest in
dead graduate students???  0.5 * :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: mix...@bigpond.com [mailto:mix...@bigpond.com] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 8:14 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Vo]:Rossi E-Cat CATALYST Speculation Thread

In reply to  Stephen A. Lawrence's message of Mon, 11 Apr 2011 21:30:42 -0400:
>On 04/11/2011 08:50 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> noone noone <thesteornpa...@yahoo.com 
>> <mailto:thesteornpa...@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>> Wow! That is a revelation. He _has_ learned from Piantelli.
>> It is surprising he can do this for 10% of the cost of nickel.
>It's also surprising that the nickel analyzed in Sweden didn't show any 
>signs of enrichment.
>So, have we decided that Rossi handed them a phony sample, or is the 
>enrichment just so slight that it doesn't show up?
>Or is there really no enrichment taking place?

As Rossi gets backed into a corner, he gives the answers that will keep people 
happy while he
continues his project. ;)


Robin van Spaandonk


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