There are many ways in which the LENR reaction can be generated. They are
all based on chiral particle separation. The most pervasive method of
chiral separation is the surface plasmon polariton (SPP). The SPP is a
double vortex of polaritons. The SPP is what is at the bottom of most LENR
reactors. There is a new field of science called nanoplasmonics that deals
with SPPs.


nanoplasmonics: the physics behind the applications

Surface plasmon polaritons are  produced by Evanescent Waves on the surface
of metals. The infrared EMF range are optimal for SPP production when
nickel is used as the reflective substrate. Lasers are ineffective in
producing the dipole motion necessary for the generation of SPPs because
laser light is a plane wave.

Schematic representation of evanescent waves propagating along a
metal-dielectric interface. The charge density oscillations, when
associated with electromagnetic fields, are called surface
plasmon-polariton waves. The exponential dependence of the electromagnetic
field intensity on the distance away from the interface is shown on the
right. These waves can be excited very efficiently with light in the
visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

In recent research, read how evanescent waves convert light into magnetism
where dipole motion forms the basic power source for the LENR reaction.

Polaritons are just spin particles. They form a soliton of two
counter-rotating spin currents. One current contains right handed spins and
the other left handed spins. The SPP produces chiral separation as a double
spin vortex.

The proper science name for the SPP vortex is falaco solitons. The magnetic
flux tube that connects the two counter rotating spin currents is a

The amazing thing about the SPP is that it imbues it quantum mechanical
nature onto the entity that it is symbiotic with.

The SPP can form on the surface of metal, on nano particles, on ultra dense
hydride molecules of various types including HHO, on thin films, on the
surface of a collapsing cavitation bubble, boundaries between materials,
even in plasma...wherever the LENR reaction can be found, we will fund the
SPP there also. All these various systems will demonstrate, more or less,
the same  quantum mechanical behavior because of the SPP. All these various
systems will produce the same LENR reaction because of the SPP.

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