
I am working on a letter which I plan to send to the Govenor. I am soliciting comments.

There are some very interesting developments in technology which have potential for energy production. Some physicists believe in the active aether theory, it says that there is this high frequency radiation which keeps the standing waves we know as neutrons, protons, and electrons oscillating. This aether is also known as the zero point energy (ZPE) and the zitternbewegung. The quantum theorist Hal Puthoff, www.earthtech.org , has published a series of articles in Physical Review speculating about the interaction of the ZPE with matter. Hal believes that the ZPE is a source of unlimited energy.

Various researchers, Purarich and Meyer, claim to have built water electrolyzers which used high frequency electricity to disassociate water into hydrogen and oxygen. Patrick Kelly of Panacea University has published a paper giving the details on a system designed by Bob Boyce. It is a professionally done publication which lends credence to it's contention that it will work. I am attempting to secure the funding to allow me to build and test this machine.

Black Light Power, all one word, .com has developed technology which allows hydrogen to be shrunken. The electron spirals inward towards the nucleus. The quantum mechanical term for this is falling below the ground state. Coincident with this, it emits energy in the form of ultraviolet photons. The shrunken hydrogen is called a hydrino. Hydrinos appear to behave like a neutron in nuclear reactions. Hydrinos can also be chemically charged and enter into chemical reactions which make new materials possible. When I contacted them, their representative indicated a willingness to cooperate with the State in researching this technology.

Dr. Kiril Chukanov has developed a generator which produces a phenomena known in nature as ball lighting. His books can be purchased on his website, www.chukanovenergy.com . He says that his reactor is producing several thousand times as much energy as is consumed to run it. I think that it would be a good thing if one of the physicists at one of the universities were to read his books.

Ever since Ponds and Flieshman announced that they had produced nuclear reactions in water, the physics establishment has done their best to strangle this technology in it's cradle. We have documented evidence of this supression. I know some of the people who are responsible for the website www.lenr-canr.org , which has some of the papers which have been published on the subject. Ed Storms, radiological chemist, formerly with Los Alamos National Laboratory, has published a book, on his LENR research, it can be purchased at http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?dest=9999999997&product_id=5682407&sourceid=0100000030660805302498 In my opinion, it would be a good thing for the libraries at the universities to have copies of Dr. Storms book.

The State is ultimately responsible for the reactor waste that is stored on Prairie Island. According to the late physicist Paul Brown, private correspondence, it can be tapped as an energy source. Since it utilizes an existing waste product it is green electricity. The Brown Nuclear Battery patent expired several years ago. Several BNB's were built, they were used to power the Pioneer space crafts.

The Austrian naturalist Viktor Shauberger observed that water changes when it runs through an undulating path. One of his practical applications was the levitating of green oak logs in a stream where they would not normally float. This phenomena is called a centripidal vortex. The tornado is one example of such a vortex. Shauberger designed a machine called the Respine which is a hurricane in a can. Some interesting phenomena are reported in conjunction with their operation, X rays being one of them. Warm air is drawn in on the bottom, and cold air comes out the top. The spinning shaft can power a generator. There are some European researchers who have been experimenting with directing water through a metallic structure which look like a shofar. Following this treatment the water improves the health of people and animals which drink it, and water borne pathogens are reduced. Minneapolis just closed a beach because of bacterial contamination. In addition to efficacy, a structure like this is aesthetically pleasing.

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